
Absence Tracking Software: Management Tools For Business

MinuteHound: The Ultimate Absence Tracking Software

Although most employees are very honest, there are some who can not be counted on. These workers might miss work and have another person cover for them. This can be done by having a friend log in on the “time clock” computer. This is done using their name or user ID. Until now, time clock software was not smart or feature rich enough to prevent this sort of time theft. Now, however, MinuteHound absence tracking software is here.

MinuteHound absence tracking software watches how workers clock in and out each day. It uses the worker’s finger print to identify them. This means that no other worker can clock in for another. These finger prints are analyzed by state of the art software and all time data is stored on a cloud server. This cloud server uses 128-bit encryption to keep data safe from anyone who should not see it. Because of its cloud-based nature, it can be viewed anywhere in the world by an employer.

Absence Tracking Software: Track Sick-Days, Vacations, Call-Offs

What makes MinuteHound’s absence tracking software so good at managing employee’s is that it can talk to an employer remotely. It is able to let a boss know the moment a worker is late or leaves early. These messages can be sent by email and SMS. These messages are receivable anywhere there is cell service. Sick-days, call-offs, holiday’s, vacations, and personal days can also be entered for 100% accountability.

Unlike old fashioned time clocks, there are no stamp cards and no paperwork to file. Employee time errors occur very often because of missing or bad paperwork. MinuteHound absence tracking software works in a completely automatic and digital fashion. There is no clock for workers to adjust and thus trick. There is no way for a worker to “cover” for another who doesn’t want to show up on time, or wants to take off before their shift is over. MinuteHound absence tracking software ensures responsibility, accuracy and efficiency. It does so at a low price and with minimal hassles.

Absence Tracking Software Is Easy To Use And Setup

MinuteHound absence tracking software does not require any long term commitments. Therefore, trying it out requires no risk. There is live technical support whenever you need it via phone, web and email. There are no long manuals to read. Even computer novices will find MinuteHound easy to install into their time clock computer. The biometric sensor that reads a worker’s finger print is a simple USB device. This plug and play design means that MinuteHound can seamlessly combine precision with ease of use.

With all this in mind, why not give MinuteHound absence tracking software a try today? Your business has everything to gain.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Absence Tracking Software: Account For Every Minute!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!