
Are My Employees Stealing Time? Time Theft in The Workplace

Is Time Theft A Real Problem?

The idea that a business owner might pay an employee money to stay home from work and goof off seems ridiculous. If that employee is not using their paid vacation time, why should they be rewarded for not working? Unfortunately, that is kind of what happens when time theft is a serious problem at a company. It is estimated that even an employee who takes away five minutes per day from work can gain an extra three working days worth of pay for doing nothing. Time theft matters and ought to be reduced as much as possible.

In order to reduce time theft in the modern office, a company should consider using a time clock software program known as MinuteHound. This is the modern day time clock software program that is cloud-based and easy to use. Employees log in their fingerprints, and then they are in the system. Every time they go to log in they must use their unique fingerprint to do so. This helps cut down on time theft because it shows who is stealing those small time increments.

An employee who does not clock back in does not have to be paid for those lost minutes. They may have benefited from time theft in the past because the assumption was that they were working when they really were not. No longer does it have to work this way. Instead, any business owner can always know what is happening when it is happening.

Time Theft Can Be Stopped

Time theft tends to drop when the employees realize that it is being more closely monitored. The MinuteHound system gives the business owner the option to view all of their time clock data in real-time no matter where they are. They can just pop open the trusty laptop or check things out on the tablet. No matter where they are in the world, they are never too far away from the business that they care so deeply about.

Time theft continues to be a significant drag on the economy at large. When those who benefit from time theft get away with it, they take away opportunities from others. They also hinder a business from reaching its full potential. With this kind of drag on the economy, it is no wonder that many business owners are fed up with it. Now, they can just sit back and enjoy the ability to track all of this activity all the time. There is no more guessing game.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Stop Time Theft Today.

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