
Attendance Software- Easy Install | Live Tech Support | Time Clock

Attendance Software- Time and Attendance Management

MinuteHound is the biometric time and attendance leader with over 150,000 daily users. MinuteHound’s attendance software is installed on computers across the country assisting businesses of every industry. From retail to food and beverage, to office settings and warehouse operations, MinuteHound’s attendance software is proven to work in any environment. A very easy installation and enrollment process makes attendance software the preferred choice for organizations of all sizes. With round the clock technical support, the frustration of anything going wrong can be solved with a phone call. Welcome to hassle and stress free management!

What makes MinuteHound unique is the patented technology behind it. The attendance software is cloud based, which means information is never stored on a local computer. All data is encrypted and stored safely offsite. This allows administrators and employees to log-in to MinuteHound 24/7 from any internet location on Earth! The office is now virtual, and managers can check on staff from their smart phone. With 5 levels of access, each level of an organization will be provided with the tools necessary to perform their job at a higher level.

Attendance Software is Affordable and Robust

The way MinuteHound works is simple: employees arrive, take breaks, and leave for the day all by swiping a finger or thumb. No more pens, pins, passwords, paper, or anything else that employees can lose, forget, or cheat with. By having employees verify their attendance with their finger, the time recorded is guaranteed to be accurate. Companies begin to start saving money from the very first day. It is 100% safe to use, as no fingerprints or images are ever kept.

The fingerprint scanner itself is very robust and durable, with the highest accuracy rating in the industry. It’s the size of a computer mouse and takes up virtually no space. The attendance software can be downloaded from any web browser for a fast and simple setup process. Employees are registered once and from that point moving forward, biometrics power the time and attendance of an organization! MinuteHound is U.S.A. based, so if help is ever needed it’s a phone call away at all times!

The Cost of Attendance Software and MinuteHound

MinuteHound technology not only works, but fits any budget. The reason why is because companies pay per month, all based on their size. The cost is $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. Every feature and benefit of the attendance software is included! There is no hidden fees. No obligations either. Companies have the flexibility to grow or downgrade at any point. With so much to gain and nothing to lose, MinuteHound is a win-win for any organization! Start saving money today with a quick download!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Attendance Software- The Surefire Way To Save!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!