
Employee Biometric Time Clocks- Fingerprint Clock In And Out Scanner

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

Biometric Time Clocks Are A Business Asset

The world as a whole is quickly becoming upgraded with technology. For both personal and professional purposes, technology has taken over many aspects of our daily lives. If you own a business of any size, technology is crucial to your day-to-day operations. If it’s not, it should be. You can guarantee your competitors are using every advantage, so don’t fall behind. Biometric time clocks were invented to eliminate time theft. With biometric time clocks in the workplace, employees are no longer allowed to use the honor system in order to be paid. If your employee is forced to use their fingerprint in order to clock in and out, your guaranteed accuracy.

Biometric time clocks have so many different options and features, you can spend your entire day trying to compare them. Instead of doing that, simply ask yourself what do you want? Of all the biometric time clocks out there, what are the top five features that would benefit your business most? You also have to understand the difference between a machine and a service. More than likely any result you find when searching for biometric time clocks will give you a wide range of machines. These machines simply mount on a wall or sit on a shelf. No support or service, and no real features except the standard fingerprint check.

Biometric Time Clocks Have Many Different Models and Features

Machines do not offer value to the employer. Biometric time clocks that simply plug into the wall and record information are easily stolen or damaged. If your employees are placing their trust in you by giving you their fingerprint, it is up to you to protect that information. If the machine you own ever gets stolen, all that information is stolen as well. Therefore biometric time clocks are very different depending on which model and unit you purchase.

In addition biometric time clocks that are not up to date don’t offer mobility. Unless your in your office all the time, you probably have no access to the machine or the information. Some biometric time clocks offer wireless options, however they are usually somewhat limited. Do any biometric time clocks offer support if something goes wrong? More than likely not. They have some long fine print warranty that lasts for 30 days unless you want to pay extra for an extended version. Biometric time clocks also require you to purchase the machine with some sort of large up-front investment. There is an alternative. A true, tried, tested, and proved solution.

MinuteHound has developed an advanced fingerprint time clock that replaces and outperforms any of the biometric time clocks you find online or in stores. The major difference from biometric time clocks to MinuteHound is how the technology works. In almost all cases, the biometric time clocks that you mount on walls or install, capture the fingerprint and store it. This of course is not very safe for anyone. MinuteHound never stores the image. Instead, the print itself is encrypted into a number, and spread out across offsite secure servers. No more data loss. Identity theft is impossible. Peace of mind for all. Machines will never offer this. Services like MinuteHound guarantee it.

Biometric Time Clocks Vs. MinuteHound

How about support? Whether your into computers and technology or not, things are bound to go wrong or have a problem occur. Biometric time clocks are just that, a product you buy with an expiration date. MinuteHound on the other hand provides customer service and support all day everyday. You are never alone, assistance is always available. In addition, MinuteHound provides a 100% lifetime money back guarantee with their fingerprint scanner. Did any of the biometric time clocks you saw online offer anything close?

Hopefully after reading this you now realize the difference between a service and a product. Don’t be fooled by the biometric time clocks you pay for upfront. They are not worth your time or money. MinuteHound software is cost effective, easy to use, and never collects dust. Biometric time clocks simply don’t provide the level of service you as a business not only want, but require to be successful. With prices so low, MinuteHound pays for itself. Forget those biometric time clocks as they are more headache than help. It is time to sleep well, MinuteHound is on the clock!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Time Clocks: Upgrade Your Business Today!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!