
Business Application of Cloud Computing- Technology

MinuteHound: Cost- and Time-Effective Application of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the process of storing files and applications online. Cloud computing offers a number of benefits to businesses and individuals, such as rapid and secure service, infinite storage and cost-reduction. For instance, MinuteHound, an application of cloud computing in time attendance system, yields up to 8 percent savings for companies by eliminating false attendance reporting at workplace.

In cloud computing, data is safely stored on cloud servers eliminating the chances of data theft and manipulation. The stored data is accessible from any device that connects to the Internet. For this reason, cloud computing has been welcomed worldwide as a viable alternative to any system that was formerly subject to human involvement and manipulation.

Application of Cloud Computing: MinuteHound Case Study

MinuteHound introduced cloud-based time attendance systems to the modern workplace. Research indicates that practices, such as buddy punching and erroneous time reporting have a toll on the company budget. MinuteHound sought to eliminate these practices by virtually knocking off any possibility of human intervention in time attendance systems. With its patented cloud-based technology, MinuteHound processes and dispatches information the moment an employee places his or her finger on the attendance scanner to safe and secure MinuteHound servers. The servers then transform this data to meaningful reports that help reduce payroll and improve attendance standards at workplace. SMS alerts sent out to the late employees as well as their concerned managers, keep a stringent check on late comers.

Compared to complex and expensive time attendance systems, MinuteHound is a sigh of relief for business owners and managers. For its sophisticated service, MinuteHound offers risk free money-back guarantee that includes return shipping cost.

Application of Cloud Computing: Cost Saving
Another reason for the popularity of cloud computing is the substantial cost saving that results from the application of cloud computing in business. Rather than amassing giant servers that are very expensive and difficult to manage, businesses find it more convenient and cost-effective to deploy their information in professional servers that are routinely backed up, managed by experts and located in safe places around the world.

MinuteHound is an application of cloud computing that yields up to eight percent savings for the company, according to American Payroll Association estimates. By eliminating false attendance reporting, MinuteHound’s application of cloud computing not only reduces cost but also keeps a check on late comers.

Application of Cloud Computing: 24/7 Up Time
Cloud servers are managed by professionals that offer zero downtime. This is especially important as key business activities are to be entrusted upon cloud servers. Anything less than 24/7 reliability is not acceptable. It is only for such reasons that cloud-based services, such as MinuteHound are preferred by so many clients over the conventional tools and devices.

Futuristic Application of Cloud Computing

The future belongs to those who successfully tap technology to their advantage. The applications of cloud computing are limitless, and just about every day, man is exploring better ways of doing things with the help of cloud-based technology.

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MinuteHound Application of Cloud Computing.

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