
Buy Time Clocks With A Full Money Back Guarantee! Biometric

How to Buy Time Clocks

Business owners are always looking for ways to improve the work environment while simultaneously saving money. MinuteHound, a revolutionary new time management system, helps business owners accomplish both of these goals. When companies buy time clocks through MinuteHound, they can control employees’ time cards in real time, reduce time theft, and track the number of employees clocked in at one time.

Why Buy Time Clocks from MinuteHound?
With all of the options available to companies today, why would business owners choose to buy time clocks from MinuteHound? First, the software is easy to install and can be used with any computer, and adding an employee only takes a few minutes. Secondly, according to the American Payroll Association (APA), the use of MinuteHound can reduced payroll costs by 2-8% on average. When they buy time clocks from MinuteHound, employers can use the patented system to prevent time theft by employees and save money.

Paper time cards and other electronic systems can easily be manipulated by employees. For example, if Sue knows she is going to be late, she might call her co-worker Carl and have him clock in for her. Under other time clock systems, Sue would then be paid for time when she was not present at the job. This practice is also called “buddy punching,” “time clock manipulation,” and “unapproved overtime,” and burdens the employer with unnecessary cost.

With MinuteHound, employees must clock in and out using their fingers. This practice eliminates time theft since each employee’s fingerprint is unique. Now, when Sue is late, she cannot clock in until she is physically in the building and using the MinuteHound system. Her exact time arriving and leaving are recorded by the system using a scan of her finger.

Additionally, MinuteHound time clocks come with software that allows employers to track their employees in real time. When they buy time clocks through MinuteHound, employers can receive text messages when an employee has not clocked in and is late. Text messages can also be sent to the late employee. The technology behind MinuteHound is patented and relies on cloud storage, so employers can access the data anywhere and at any time. It is the only cloud-based biometric time clock system on the market today.

Buy Time Clocks from MinuteHound for a Better Experience

When business owners buy time clocks from MinuteHound, they receive a money back guarantee. If they are not completely satisfied with their MinuteHound purchase, the scanner can be returned for a full refund. Even shipping costs will be covered by MinuteHound if a company returns the product.

The MinuteHound system can be implemented in businesses of all sizes, and there are no limits to the number of employees that can entered into the MinuteHound system. Business owners can even track employees at different branches of a chain. When considering a new system, buy time clocks from MinuteHound for an easy, convenient, and money-saving program.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound. Buy Time Clocks!

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