
Biometrics | Cloud Time And Attendance | Low Cost Highly Effective

What is Cloud Time and Attendance? The Technology Explained

Without being too technical, cloud time and attendance combines state of the art technology, with modern methods in employee time tracking. The “cloud” is the new catchphrase for people and for businesses that allows information to be stored and retrieved from anywhere. Instead of storing data on your computer, you place it in the cloud. Then wherever you are, from whatever device, you just have the cloud rain down your data! Simple, easy, and convenient. Time and attendance is how employees record their time worked. This usually happens in the form of pins, passwords, badges, or a sign-in sheet. MinuteHound has now created cloud time and attendance, which is the full and true solution for companies of all sizes. With cloud time and attendance, companies can view/edit information on the go, export reports, and so much more!

So how does cloud time and attendance work? Very easy actually! When a business creates an account with MinuteHound, a biometric fingerprint scanner is mailed out. This scanner, is the size of a computer mouse and is how your employees will be clocking in and out of work. They simply place their finger on the pad, and in under 2 seconds they verify their attendance, and record their time. This verification process is the backbone to cloud time and attendance. No more cheating, and accuracy is guaranteed. Now, your employees can no longer cover for one another, fudge numbers, or steal time. Cloud time and attendance records information in real time so as a manager, you will always have a real time status report at your fingertips!

The Process and Features of Cloud Time and Attendance

After your employees swipe their finger, the cloud time and attendance process goes into effect. The fingerprint itself is broken down into numbers, making it 100% safe and risk free. Your employee’s fingerprint is never kept on file, and all information is secured with 128-bit encryption. As explained above, all data is stored in offsite cloud servers. Nothing is ever stored on your computer. MinuteHound time clock software will run in the background of any PC you currently have, with nothing more to buy. Cloud time and attendance is easy to use, and requires no training. Your employees will be up and swiping their fingers in no time!

The cloud time and attendance system features 24/7 access, text and email alerts, live technical support, and so much more. Assistance is always available if you need it. The cloud time and attendance system is user friendly, and accessible from anywhere at anytime. You can manage multiple locations from a single branch. MinuteHound’s cloud time and attendance will change the way you manage your staff and operations. No more counting or trying to figure out payroll. At anytime, you can simply download reports or even send them to your payroll service. Spend more time on your business, not time sheets and reports.

Cloud Time and Attendance Always Improves, Never Expires

MinuteHound is not a machine or product you buy off the shelves. Cloud time and attendance is a monthly fee, therefore a subscription. You can change or cancel whenever you like, there is no long term commitments required. Therefore, your monthly fee includes all the features and benefits of the system. Whenever there is an update, you get it. Not for any additional costs, for everything is included in your monthly fee. The price is of MinuteHound fits any budget, as you only pay for what you need. $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. You have to buy the scanner at $99.95 but that is a one time fee. Pay that only once and never again. Cloud time and attendance will upgrade your business and change will take place from day one. Make the easiest decision of your day! Switch today and put technology to work for you!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Cloud Time And Attendance System: Use Technology To Your Advantage!

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