
Daylight Savings Time Change and Your Time Clock

Spring forward. Fall back.
That’s the phrase we all use to remember which direction to change the clock for Daylight Saving Time.
How about remembering to re-calibrate your time clock?
In other words: Daylight Saving Time Change and Your Time Clock.
Remember that MinuteHound is cloud based…

Good News!
Your MinuteHound time clock features auto DST.
This stands for Auto Daylight Savings Time.
What does Daylight Savings Time Change and Your Time Clock mean to MinuteHound customers?
It means that your MinuteHound time clock automatically adjusts for the time change.
You don’t have to do anything manually for your time clock on daylight savings time!

Some Funny Anecdotes About Daylight Saving Time
Employees will often show up to late on the morning after the time change.
This happens even when the time change was the opposite direction!
Riots have broken out when last call shows up an hour early at bars!
Changes to the time when Daylight Saving Time take effect have been proposed in order to increase voter turnout.
Some trains stop dead in their tracks at 2:00am in order to adhere to their original schedule.
More light in the evening has been proven to reduce crime.
Research stations in Antarctica still adhere to Daylight Saving Time even though there is no sun all winter. And 24-hour a day sun in the summer.
Capital crime court cases have hinged on whether or not systems had been adjusted for daylight savings time. Lucky your MinuteHound time clock adjusts Daylight Saving Time Automatically!
Disparate parts of the State of Indiana engage in rancorous debate over Daylight Savings Time. Because the state lies across different time zones.
Daylight Savings Time can change the birth order of babies!
For more interesting stories visit: http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/k.html

Think of all the time and money you’ll save!
With the MinuteHound Auto Daylight Savings Time Change Time Clock

End monetary penalties for opening your business late.
Forget about phone calls to check who’s arrived to work
Eliminate buddy punching!
Stop paying for unapproved overtime!
And with MinuteHound time clock there is no more manually setting the time for Daylight Saving Time!