
Employee Payroll Time Tracking Technology

Payroll Time Tracking in Business

When you are managing a business, you need every aspect of your operation to run as efficiently as possible. That includes the way you handle your payroll time tracking. You can save money on timekeeping and increase the profitability of your business by switching to biometric fingerprint technology.

The High Costs Associated with Your Current Payroll Process
With your current payroll time tracking system your associate’s need to clock in and out on your computer, with a designated time clock, or by documenting their hours on paper. These outdated systems can leach payroll dollars in ways you may not even realize.

Buddy Punching
While you assume your employees are honest, there are no guarantees. It is very tempting for work friends to help each other out. This is commonly known as buddy punching. Because of buddy punching, you may not even be aware of associates who are habitually late, leave early and get paid for hours they do not work.

Hours Paid to Enter Information
With your current payroll time tracking system, chances are that you pay someone for many hours each week to enter the payroll information, time better spent in other areas of operation. When calculating hours and wages, there is always the potential for mistakes. You could even be paying overtime due to miscalculations. Unnecessary errors can cost your company a lot of money.

Productivity Lost
Your associates may be devoting time to maintaining their own records. This is time they could be productive. Your department managers may have to search for attendance trends manually and may overlook misleading information.

MinuteHound is Your Payroll Time Tracking Solution

MinuteHound uses biometric fingerprint technology to ensure the accuracy of your payroll time tracking. Your employees clock in and out on a dedicated fingerprint scanner. Your payroll time tracking information is stored on a dedicated server and easily integrates into your current payroll system. The Minutehound advantages include:

With MinuteHound, your business benefits from time tracking accountability. Most Businesses who rely on MinuteHound payroll time tracking cut between 2 and 8 percent of there payroll expenses. When your business needs safe, accurate and reliable payroll time tracking, your business needs MinuteHound.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Payroll Time Tracking.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!