
Employee Time Clock | Web Based Attendance System

Web Based Attendance System – Welcome to the Future!

Running a successful business is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. All of the pieces must be put in the right place in order to fit together perfectly. It only takes one misplaced piece to throw everything off track. The same holds true when trying to accurately track your employees’ attendance. Unfortunately, even with the technological advances in the world today, there are still companies that haven’t transitioned to a web based attendance system. The processing of payroll, as well as the overall efficiency of a business, hinge on accurate timekeeping.

Illegal time clock punches and inaccurate time cards lead to only one thing; inefficiency of a company as a whole. Delays in the processing of payroll leads to disgruntled employees and decreased productivity. With a web based attendance system, all of this negativity can be avoided.

Stop Time Theft
ID badges, passwords and traditional time cards simply aren’t enough to stop time theft, as some employees are still able to “pull the wool” over their supervisor’s eyes. With
MinuteHound’s biometric web based attendance system, time theft is a thing of the past. Since employees’ comings and goings are documented by their fingerprints, it’s impossible for them to dupe the system. A web based attendance system not only stops time theft but also eliminates the possibility of human error.

How Exactly Does it Function?
MinuteHound’s web based attendance system has broken the barriers between business owners and employee tracking. With its revolutionary time tracking app, supervisors are able to verify their employees are working their designated shifts whether they are in the office, traveling and even from their phones! The analytic tools found of MinuteHound’s biometric web based attendance system enables employers to see exactly how time is being spent.

MinuteHound’s patented fingerprint imaging process is never stored in a physical computer. After an employee punches in or out, this information is immediately converted into an encrypted 128-number and then safely secured on our cloud. For managers on the go, the web based attendance system is easily accessible with an internet connection whether via laptop, tablet or mobile phone. This application was built with employer’s busy schedule in mind.

Web Based Attendance System Requires No Training

MinuteHound’s web based attendance system requires no training. In addition, it’s 100 percent paperless! There is no fine print and there are no contracts to worry about. Online security is that “last” piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Both employees and business owners never have to worry about identity theft. This state-of-the-art technology has made MinuteHound the most trusted and secure web based attendance system available on the market today. Bring your company into 2016 and make the switch today!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Web Based Attendance System.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!