
Employee Time Tracking System- Never Overpay Or Cut Bad Checks Again

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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Reduce Payroll Errors With A Time Tracking System

Every employer requires a time tracking system in order to pay employees for their time worked. It is crucial that employees only get paid for the actual time, and never over or under paid. Therefore a proper employee time tracking system not only benefits the company, but it’s also beneficial to employees for accurate calculation of their due wages. Everybody wins in this scenario. Financially, correct paychecks are obviously important to employers. Business owners won’t last long if they overpay. In addition, accurate paychecks also maintain high confidence in your staff. By adding an accurate, secure, and reliable time tracking system employees never have to worry about waiting on corrected pay checks.

Technology has made it even easier to track employee time. Gone are the days when employees used the honor system to record their time worked. No more writing their schedule on a piece of paper. No more punching a time card. Even ID’s, pins, and passwords can be shared by friends at work. These outdated techniques created so many discrepancies when it came to preparing timesheets for payroll. Nobody could dispute when an employee came into work, returned from lunch break or left work for the day.

Time Tracking System Is Built For Speed and Efficiency

Now thanks to modern day technology, a better time tracking system is available. If you are a business owner with employees, then look no further than MinuteHound for solutions to your employee time tracking system. They offer incredibly cost effective biometric fingerprinting software that registers time attendance for all employees. The software is cloud-based and does not require a dedicated server for data storage. All data is internet accessible which makes for speed and efficiency.

Using the time tracking system by MinuteHound ensures that employees do not misrepresent their working hours whereby they work less time and claim wages for full time work. MinuteHound’s time tracking system eliminates time theft. Another great advantage of this software is its ability to notify employers or their supervisors if an employee is tardy or late. The time tracking system generates an email and a text message whenever there is such an instance.

Time Tracking System- Easiest Decision You Will Ever Make

The time tracking system is a smart and easy business decision. The minimal cost has proven to be a money-saver for business owners. The time tracking system is easy to use and requires no training. No learning curve for your employees. Typically it takes just about nine minutes to setup and start using the time tracking system. After that, all your employees have to do is swipe their finger on scanner. The time tracking system itself is powered by a fingerprint time clock. When your employees clock in and out, the information is recorded live. Down to the second, you will be able to track all your employee activity.

The time tracking system pays for itself. Not only for all the tools you will use, but in the actual price. At $1.00 per employee, you can’t go wrong. Every month, you will watch the savings add up. Time will go back on the clock. The time tracking system works with just about all payroll programs out there. No more manual calculations to make. From now on, it is all ready for you. You can view and edit online, and simply send to your payroll program. Since employees clock in and out with their finger, your guaranteed accuracy. You will never cut a bad check again. Never overpay and without a doubt be victim to time theft. This is the best time tracking system on the market. It is risk free and you can cancel at anytime. Make the switch today. You will be so glad you did!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Tracking System: Secure. Safe. Speed. Savings. Reap The Rewards!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!