
Fingerprint Time Attendance: The Best Employee You Will Ever Hire!

Fingerprint Time Attendance: Your Business Workhorse

How many employees do you have that never stop working? How about 100% honest 24/7? They never make mistakes and never show up late. Well, the fingerprint time attendance system from MinuteHound is about to be your best employee! By using state of the art technology, your business will have a foolproof system in place. If any of your employees show up late, try to leave early, or “forget” to clock-in or out; the fingerprint time attendance system will notify you in real time! The system has the ability to send you a text and/or e-mail letting you know your employee activity. Now, you can manage multiple branches from a single location. Or, if you only have one location you can relax easier knowing MinuteHound is keeping track, so you don’t have too!

In addition to alerts and notifications, the fingerprint time attendance system offers many benefits placing your business in the fast lane to savings. Cloud technology is powerful and makes your life easier. Instead of storing records on your PC or on a memory stick, all your records are stored in a central offsite location. This means, you as a manager can log-in from anywhere in the world at anytime and view reports. You can check on your staff from a hotel room, restaurant, or the golf course. All your mobile device needs is an internet connection to access your reports.

Keep in mind the fingerprint time attendance system is 100% safe and secure. All data is transferred using 128-bit encryption keeping your information safe. No images are ever stored. The fingerprint time attendance system is so advanced, it breaks down the fingerprint into a set of numbers. This way, all users have no worries that their information is safe and private.

The Fingerprint Time Attendance System Is Paperless

Go green and save big! The fingerprint time attendance system requires no supplies. There is no inventory to keep track of or manage. Throw away the old paper punch cards, time sheets, badges, and even those pins and passwords. The fingerprint time attendance system is not only safe and secure, but convenient as well. Using green technology in your workplace saves money in multiple ways. All your employees need is a fingerprint, which they can’t forget, lose, or share. Your employees will drop all non-productive and bad work habits, and form positive and new habits that benefit your business.

The fingerprint time attendance is fueled by a biometric fingerprint scanner. This device is the size of a computer mouse and is your new clocking-in station. It can connect to any PC you currently have, and it runs in the background. This means you don’t have to dedicate a computer to run MinuteHound. It can be a PC that is used everyday, it will not interfere with any other type of functionality.

Fingerprint Time Attendance System Is All Reward, and Risk Free

If you have any questions or need help with your new fingerprint time attendance system, the all you need to do is pick up a phone! MinuteHound supports you round the clock to ensure your success. Whether it’s a general question, tech support, or any other inquiry just shoot over an email or place a call. The fingerprint time attendance system is a new way for your business to operate, and fits any budget. You only pay for what you need, and the price points are simple: $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. You only need to buy the biometric fingerprint scanner, which costs $99.95. That’s it! The scanner is a one time fee. You pay that once and never again.

Still have doubts or concerns? Well have no fear, for MinuteHound’s fingerprint time attendance system is risk free! The $99.95 that you pay is backed by a lifetime warranty. This means if in 2 months or 2 years you ever decide MinuteHound is not for you, then you can simply return the scanner back for the purchase price. Payroll will also become easier and by using MinuteHound you will save an estimated 5-8% off of your payroll costs. There is many tools and resources included, all for a low monthly fee that you can’t go wrong. Upgrade your business today with modern technology. The fingerprint time attendance system will spark a positive change in your office, try it today!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Attendance: Modern Technology At It’s Finest!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!