
Fingerprint Time Recorder | Time Clock Software | Payroll Solutions

Full Payroll Support with a Fingerprint Time Recorder

Payroll processing errors result from employees faking clock times. Such behavior can cost a business thousands of dollars a year. At other times, human errors can lead to large payroll mistakes. To beat these problems, employers often check workers to stop corrupt behavior. Business owners may even install camera systems to keep track of workplace activity. These methods can become costly. Now, the process can be much simpler with the cost-effective MinuteHound fingerprint time recorder.

MinuteHound Basics
MinuteHound is a fingerprint time recorder that simplifies the process of watching employee activity. The fingerprint time recorder uses special technology to ensure employees clock in and out correctly. Unlike standard systems, MinuteHound uses a fingerprint scanner to check the identity of the employee. Once scanned, the cloud receives the fingerprint data. The employer is then able to access the information from nearly anywhere on the globe.

Instead of needing payroll clerks to keep track when employees check in, the data is safely stored in the cloud. Because of the strict identification procedure, the fingerprint time recorder removes the chance of employees clocking in for others. It also prevents time clock cheating, uncontrolled time errors and overtime that has not been approved.

The MinuteHound fingerprint time recorder presents a simple way for employers to handle workers who are often late. It also stops those who try to abuse the payroll system. It reduces the time it takes to process payroll by calculating the necessary information. As a fingerprint time recorder, the MinuteHound allows employers to check current workers anywhere, in real time. With the data, managers and employers may change workers based on their current needs.

The device is plug-and-play, so it requires no extra training or tech knowledge to operate. Because it is a digital fingerprint time recorder, it needs no cards to use, and saves supply and storage costs. To keep data safe, the system uses 128-bit software when passing information. The MinuteHound checks time slots, employee behavior and personal information. This removes the need for employers to keep such areas checked.

Return on Investment
The initial investment in the fingerprint time recorder software will lead to a larger return. Money is saved on payroll data, human errors, employee cheating and physical clock-in cards. Time is saved when managers remove the need the keep track of employees when clocking in or out. This time can be spent by the leader to complete his or her own tasks. Business owners can benefit from this method of checking attendance. The managers who check daily activity will work better as well. MinuteHound correctly and safely keeps employees honest, while keeping employers informed.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Recorder.

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