
Fingerprint Timeclock | Hand Scanner | 100% Accountability

How the Fingerprint Timeclock Lowers Employee Costs

Hiring employees can cost a great deal of money. From wages to insurance premiums, maintaining professionals to do a job is more likely the biggest expense you have. Unfortunately, they may be costing you more than you realize. Not everyone is honest, and many employees may be trying to “game” your system to make more money. This is especially true if you use paper time sheets or punch clocks. In reality, using a fingerprint timeclock system may be your best course of action to reduce this loss.

Paying for Actual Attendance with a Fingerprint Timeclock
When a dishonest employee is late, he or she may alter the timesheet. By rounding the time, the staff member is squeezing out a few more minutes. It’s also a common practice for employees to use the “buddy system” when it comes to logging in time. This is when a late staff member asks someone to punch the clock for them, even though he or she is not on site. Using a fingerprint timeclock would make these two processes impossible. Now, this may not sound like a big deal once or twice throughout a person’s employ. However, it can be costly over the course of a year by those who abuse the system.

If you pay a staff member $20 per hour, this breaks down to $0.33 per minute. If the staff member is five minutes late three times per week, this accumulates to losing $5.00. Over the course of the month, you’ll essentially give the person an hour of paid leave whether you want to or not. This is for just the one employee. You could be losing even more if there are several staff members who do this. A fingerprint timeclock eliminates the ability to change those records. You’ll be paying exactly the time employees are clocked in.

Why Fingerprint Timeclock Systems Are Ideal

Unlike many traditional methods of keeping time in the workplace, a fingerprint timeclock cannot be manipulated by the employee. They also cannot be faked by having a friend clock in. This is because it reads each individual fingerprint of everyone on staff. The worry regarding faking time sheets would be a thing of the past. Since these systems are also maintained in the Cloud, you can constantly keep an eye on the attendance of your business even if you’re away on vacation.

The ability to monitor employee activity is only as good as the system in place. A fingerprint timeclock is one of those methods that can keep you apprised of attendance with greater precision than alternatives. Pay your staff for the work that is actually done on site, and not from what is written down on a timesheet. Deploy a fingerprint timeclock system today and start saving your business money for tomorrow.

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MinuteHound Fingerprint Timeclock.

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