
Ideal Biometric Time Clocks For Small Business

Biometric Time Clock Saves Money and Time for Small Businesses

Small businesses generally have smaller budgets and profit margins from which to work and need to save money anywhere they can. The MinuteHound biometric time clocks for small business helps business owners to save money in several important areas and improve their profit margins. The biometric time clocks scan any fingerprint of a worker, eliminating the need for punch cards while providing real-time reporting of worker hours, labor costs and other important information that businesses of all sizes need to assess their profitability.

No More Time Card Fraud With Biometric Time Clocks for Small Business
Employee theft is a reality most businesses account for as part of their business plans. But stock loss isn’t the only way workers can steal from their employers. While most workers are honest, a very small percentage might try to commit time card fraud by punching the cards of other workers and having them return the favor. But with biometric time clocks for small business, there are no time cards to punch, and workers can’t make it appear as though others are on the clock when they are not even at work. Eliminating a potential source of loss helps to keep workers honest. Punching in and out is one of the best assets of biometric time clocks for small business.

Biometric Time Clocks for Small Business Notify When Workers Don’t Show
The advanced technology included in the MinuteHound biometric time clocks for small business enables job providers to know when they don’t have the right number of workers on the job and can automatically send messages to missing workers as well as managers and supervisors. When workers are on their breaks, the time clock system helps to ensure they don’t overstay their breaks. That means more hours worked and greater productivity for businesses. If a worker does not report back on time, managers and supervisors can be notified and take action to remedy the situation.

Automatic Payroll Calculations and Real-Time Reporting
Keeping track of payroll costs is incredibly easy with the MinuteHound biometric time clocks for small business. The time clock automatically tallies each worker’s hours worked and wages earned and streams the information via patented cloud-based technology to a designated computer. Job providers can keep track of their up-to-the-minute payroll costs and better determine profitability. If things aren’t going well, adjustments can be made instead of waiting for the end of the week or pay period to assess payroll costs and profitability. All information is encrypted before streaming to ensure privacy.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Time Clocks For Small Business.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
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