
Internet Time Clock- Web Based | SaaS | Universal Time and Attendance

The Internet Time Clock Business Solution

Time and attendance is a mandatory expense for just about every business. Some try to save money and buy paper time sheets or inexpensive time clocks that pretty much do nothing but allow employees to cheat, cover for friends, and make mistakes. Then add to that the headaches involved with the physical counting of hours and trying to verify the hours written down. By trying to save a few bucks and having employees sign in with a pen and paper or pin/password ends up costing way more in the end. MinuteHound’s biometric solution is the internet time clock which combine cloud technology with that of verification.

The internet time clock is two parts: the physical device which allows employees to record their time upon their arrival and departure, and then the web based reporting features. The internet time clock itself is a small device which is mailed out after an order is placed. The device requires no pins/passwords or any other type of information. Just a quick scan of the finger or thumb has the employee verify their time, and then record their time. The internet time clock then transfers all the information to cloud servers where information is encrypted and stored. Completely safe and eliminates all forms of cheating on the spot.

Business Advantages When Using An Internet Time Clock

When using an internet time clock there are many cost advantages and even more day-to-day features which makes life easier and more efficient. For starters, every employee is required to be physically present when using MinuteHound. If an employee is not where they are supposed to be, then they will be docked that time. There is no way at all to cheat the system, and if someone clocks in late or leaves early, MinuteHound sends out text/email alerts to notify management and designated parties. The internet time clock keeps employee honest and on time.

The internet time clock is also SaaS (Software As A Service), so think of never having to worry about data storage or retrieval. MinuteHound encrypts all times and saves them offsite. Fingerprints are never kept, as each print is broken down into numbers. In addition, because it’s SaaS, managers can access the information whenever they need too, from anywhere. A web browser makes MinuteHound virtual, so everyone who needs access can have it. Secure, simple, and common sense technology for this digital age.

Internet Time Clock is Universal Time and Attendance

From Europe, Asia, or your backyard, information is always available in real time. The internet time clock allows managers and business owners to track their employee activity whether at location or away on business. MinuteHound also support their clients around the clock. So if there is any questions, comments, or just need help, assistance is always available. This type of service is beneficial to any company and ends up saving so much money, it pays for itself. Try out MinuteHound today and begin saving!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound’s Internet Time Clock.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!