
Kate Middleton Scores a TimeClock Promoting the 2012 Olympics!

Kate Middleton Shoots, and Kate Middleton Scores!

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton was out in full display today promoting the 2012 Olympics, being held in London this July. Kate Middleton, who used to be captain of her old High School field hockey team, played a quick game with Great Brittain’s official team. She not only proved she can promote, but also proved her aim! Although it took her four shots to score, she finally did just that! 

Wouldn’t it be great for all of us in the business world to have our own Kate Middleton to help promote our product! Chances are you don’t. So since we don’t have Kate Middleton shooting goals for us, it is up to us to find other ways to make our business a succes. Save money, make more profit!

Londong Bridge is falling down!

Well not exactly, however London has not hosted the Olympics since 1948, so they are thrilled about their opportunity to boost their economy and image in 2012. Over 205 Nations will compete in over 300 events, and not only London’s image will be on display, but so will hundreds of paid advertisers! If only the rest of us in business could participate in such an event and gain so much exposure. Marketing is a huge part of business, however no matter what your product or service, you have to have employees.

It is true when it is said that your people are the face of your company. In all forms, your employees can make or break your reputation with a single phone call, face to face confrontation, or a bad e-mail. What should not happen is you, as a business owner, ever have to worry about your own employees taking an exteneded lunch break, leaving early, or clocking in late. Now, you finaly have a fool proof solution to help save you money, keep accurate count of time and attendance, and also receive alerts direct to your cell phone.
Don’t believe me? Click here and see for yourself!

Turn $50 into $125,853! How? Just ask Kate Middleton!

In 2002 St. Andrews University hosted a now famous fashion show.
Kate Middleton wore the dress you see to the left. The designer, who made the dress for a class project, cost a hefty $50!
An anonymous buyer shelled out a whopping $125,853 for the dress! Prince William was at that fashion show, saw Kate Middleton and they started dating, now Kate Middleton is a Princess!
Wow, talk about the chance of a lifetime! Although MinuteHound cannot promise you the chance to be a Princess, we can promise you the best timeclock software on the market!
Our timeclock software won’t cost you what Kate Middleton’s dress cost either! However by spending a few pennies a day for our product, the possibility for savings are endless!

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Kate Middleton was not a Princess all of her life, and even she knows the value of saving money. No matter what your operation is, you have costs. You have employees, and you have payroll. MinuteHound TimeClock Software simply offers more than any other service out there. Our cloud-based technology is better, and our support services are 24/7, with real people answering the phone.

Today is your fashion show, make the switch to MinuteHound and change your business future today!

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