
Kate Upton Banned From YouTube! “Cat Daddy” Dance Video Here!

Kate Upton Is So Hot….. She Gets BURNED!

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Kate Upton got the red flag from YouTube. Within a few hours of showing off her moves on YouTube, Kate Upton was removed from the site. The video was removed for breaching the nudity policy YouTube has in place. The biggest issue with the video is that there is no nudity! Kate was on set doing a photo shoot for Harpers Bazaar, when she agreed to teach the world how to do the “Cat Daddy” dance. There is a hip-hop song by the same name performed by The Rej3ctz’s.

Kate Upton begins to dance the day away showing the world what she is made of, then decides to let the guys know it is all we need!(Watch the video, you will know what I’m talking about!) The video is only about a minute long, however YouTube apparently saw enough. Just today they brought the video back saying they made a mistake in banning the Kate Upton video. Everyone that watches the video please let us know your thoughts. Should the video have been banned? Is it worth the 18+ warning label? Or did the ban simply go way to far? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Kate Upton Plays with Scissors!

Kate Upton is only 19 years old and already an international sex symbol. Here in this YouTube video she is doing a promotion for Esquire magazine. This video was not banned from YouTube but which video do you think is more controversial? This video or the dancing one? The question remains in why did the first video get banned and why not this one, or any other video for that matter starring super models? Was Kate treated unfairly?

However as the saying goes, “No press is bad press” and this is the perfect example. When YouTube banned the video, this story got attention from Yahoo to FoxNews! It seems everyone has an interest in Kate Upton at some level! Can you blame them? I mean Kim Kardashsian makes huge amounts of money for doing the same thing. Why not let Kate Upton have her turn in the spotlight! In reality, if this didn’t make the headlines, would anyone ever know how to do the Cat Daddy? Or how about The Rej3ctzs, have you ever heard of them? By Kate Upton being banned and gaining so much attention, she has literally just helped out so many people! From that group, to this post, and all the other organizations covering this story, Kate Upton has just risen to the top of the charts on just about all search engines!

We here at MinuteHound support you Kate! Best of luck to you and all your future bans! Don’t know what MinuteHound is? Give us a call (800) 351-7237 or click to find out!