
Kill Time Theft Now with Fingerprint Time Clock Software!

Fingerprint Time Clock Software At its Finest!

MinuteHound, a fingerprint time clock software company, has proposed a solution that virtually eliminates time theft in the work environment. You have coworkers who will buddy punch for each other in every office. The problem is that you can’t be in all places at once. At some point, there will be people who slip through the cracks. What can you do? With the fingerprint time clock software from MinuteHound, you eliminate the possibility of time theft taking place. Because no person in the universe has the same fingerprint, fingerprint time clock software makes sure that the person who checks into work is the person they say they are.

A lot of business owners let their company become iron shackles. They may have originally started their company to have more freedom, but over time,they couldn’t trust their employees, so they never take a vacation as a result. Life is too short! With the fingerprint time clock software from MinuteHound, you will receive emails or text messages whenever an employees clocks in or out of work. That means that if they are late or early, you will know about it, whether you’re here on relaxing on a beach in Cancun.

Let Fingerprint Time Clock Software Do the Hard Work

Any business owner who loves the environment can get on board with fingerprint time clock software. When you use the outdated time card, the biggest problem is that you have a lot of scattered paperwork that becomes a security hassle, but it’s also not very good for the environment. Using MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock software, there is no paperwork involved, and you have access to live reporting that lets you know if there are problems before they become a daunting obstacle. In fact, the live reporting also means that you do not have to waste time calculating payroll at the end of every pay period. Imagine taking that time and putting it back into the most crucial aspects of your company.

Are you technology illiterate? If you are like many smart business owners, you take the time to calculate how long it will take to learn the software. MinuteHound has no learning curves, you don’t need guidance, and there is no training involved. The software is extraordinarily simple to take advantage of, and you simply plug it in and start. If you do have any questions, MinuteHound offers around-the-clock support, and when you try them, the service is risk free and no obligation.

Another one of the great things about the fingerprint time clock software from MinuteHound is how it frees you from the risk of liability. If you’ve ever called an employee’s work time into question, then you realize there’s the potential for a lawsuit. With the fingerprint time clock software, it eliminates all doubt, so if an employee wasn’t there, that information becomes inarguable to the court system.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock Software.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!