
Kim Kardashian for Vice President!

Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum should nominate Kim Kardashian for Vice President!

Republican, Democrat, Independant, who cares!
During the course of our lives, by those close to us or those who want to flatter us, we’re asked for advice. Perhaps we stand a 50-50 chance for striking out, or, once in a blue moon, we come up with something absolutely outstandingly spectacular. This is one of those moments!

Whether you are enthused or bored by the political events unfolding in this country, one thing is for certain: No matter what party or candidate drafts Kim Kardashian as their running mate, THEY WILL WIN! Of course they would! You know it’s true! It is so clear I know you’re thumping your palm to your forehead exclaiming “Why didn’t I think of that?” Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrinch, Ron Paul, get smart!

John McCain had it all wrong!

Think if John McCain had chosen Kim four years ago. Right now we’d be saying “Wasn’t that other guy’s name Barack?” We’ll give John credit by saying he tried, but he got the wrong gal. (I hope those advisers are out of your life, John.) Maybe it wouldn’t have worked for Hillary, but for any of those running today, listen to me: It’s guaranteed. Think it’s a bad idea?

Then answer me this: What do Vice Presidents do? Do you really have any idea?
I think they sit in Congress and call meetings to order by hitting a gavel on a big desk and looking serious. Imagine Kim doing that. It’s practically mind boggling. The ratings for C-Span would be in outer space! We’d suddenly be interested in how our government worked! How’s that for civic mindedness? And how about the boost in tourism? Who wouldn’t want to come to a country that put such a person in office? The lines to have a tour through the White House would stretch from DC to LA!

If you posted Kim was in the Oval Office doing a photo shoot, charge 5G’s per ticket!
Who wouldn’t pay it? We might be able to pay back the Chinese Government in full in three months! What about the boost in fasion sense? Look what Jackie Kennedy did when she was in. Kim’s good to go for this—she already has her own line of lingerie! Talk about being prepared! How about the boost she’d give the economy? “Vice President Kim Kardashian ate here.” Wouldn’t you go? “Kim Kardashian, Vice President, bought this domestic car.” I want the same model! “Kim Kardashian slept here before she was Vice President.”

The Possibilities are endless! Kim Kardashian Saves The Day!

Need I expand? Sorry, George Washington, your locations just got very boring. Think of the boost in applications to join the Secret Service. Let’s have a national contest to pick Kim’s Secret Code name! There’s no need to speculate what this would mean for voter  registration! Can you imagine what she would do for the beautification of those old, stuffy history books? (Better make them with pages that can’t be torn out.) And the biggie: How about Kim’s effects on world peace? Trust me, no one will fight a soldier whose pin-up girl is also his second Commander in Chief!!

Okay, if you’re still doubting me, name five vice presidents. I’m waaaaaaiitinnnnnng!
Suddenly, that office just got a lot more fascinating, huh? Who cares if her platform is her shoes? Who cares about debates? Think of how she’ll look at the Inagural Ball. Think of her dedicating a war memorial and making all those vets so proud. And what if the unthinkable happened? After all, she’d be just one hearbeat away from being the most powerful leader in the free world. Well, at least we could finally enjoy the State of the Union speeches!

So go ahead and argue all you want, this idea is beyond good. Get with it, those of you running for office! Think of what you’ll accomplish if she was your second in command!
Both sides of the isle would be wrapped around your little finger. You want to pass a bill?
So easy. “Hi, this is Kim and I can’t sleep. I’m calling on behalf of our President. I want you to vote for–” “OMG, I’m such a patriot, yes, Kim, yes!” Done.

There are no down sides!
Kim Kardashian for Vice President!
God Bless America!

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Good luck to either candidate, may the best man win! Also thanks to Kim Kardashian for we know she would make a great Vice President!