
Online Clock in System Software: Technology Built For You!

Online Clock in System and Why You Need It

As any business owner knows, employee attendance plays a vital part in the success of a company. If an employee is tardy or does not show up to work, it is important that supervisors are aware of this so to ensure a smooth flow of work in the missing employee’s absence. While it’s nice to think that most employees are honest, trustworthy and will not take advantage of the company they work for, fraud can and does occur and for this reason MinuteHound has invented a patented online clock in system.

While punching in a time card used to be the only way to keep track of an employee’s work hours, this method can allow for dishonest employees to take advantage of the company through buddy punching. Not only that, but it can also create financial losses for the company and create more work for you while conducting payroll. With the use of an online clock in system, all these issues can be eliminated. Our online clock in system, works by using an employee’s finger to punch in as opposed to swiping a time card.

Take the Office With You Using our Online Clock in System!

Once the employee punches in with our online clock in system, he or she will be automatically logged into our database. That information can be accessed through the internet by designated managers in order to keep tabs on employees 24 hours a day 7, days a week. Wherever you go, take your office with you! Never feel out of touch from your workplace again. MinuteHound’s online clock in system utilizes the latest in technology to virtually eliminate employee fraud while saving companies valuable time and money.

We at MinuteHound understand that the proper timekeeping of employee’s hours is an important and vital part in keeping a business running smoothly. That is why we are proud to offer our online clock in system software. It is easy to install and use, involves no contracts to sign, or risks to take. Our online clock in system costs you mere pennies a day to use. It is truly the best way to ensure the honesty and integrity of employees, and for you to save that hard earned money!

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Online Clock in System: Never leave home without it!!

We are confident in our business, be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!