
Punch A Clock Without Time Cards or Badges | Fingerprint Time Clock

MinuteHound Time Clock – A Better Way to Punch a Clock!

Do your employees still “punch a clock” with a traditional mechanical time clock or submit manual records as proof of their working hours? If so, you are likely paying both far more in salary than you should be and wasting a great deal of your staff time maintaining and updating time records. There is a much better way of taking care of this aspect of your business. The MinuteHound Time Clock software system ensures accurate employee time records without taking up staff time.

There are a number of ways that inaccurate timekeeping can cost you money. First, there is employee time theft. It is estimated that the average employee spends about 54 minutes per shift on non-work related business, including arriving late, leaving early and taking extended lunch breaks. Whether your workers do it on purpose or not, this non-working time costs you money. Requiring your workers to punch a clock at key points during the work day (arrival, breaks, lunch and departure) does not prevent time theft. Regular time clock systems can be cheated by ways like buddy punching (where employees punch a clock for an absent employee) or simply falsifying a time sheet.

The MinuteHound Time Clock software system prevents this type of time cheating by using individual employee fingerprints. Using a fingerprint reader that attaches to any computer with a USB cord, MinuteHound records the exact moment when your employees punch a clock by touching the MinuteHound reader. MinuteHound then stores the data in a virtual database that is accessible from any location with an Internet connection. Employees cannot “game” the MinuteHound system. They have to “punch a clock” where the reader is to be clocked in to work. No more buddy punching with MinuteHound. The only way to punch a clock with MinuteHound is with the employee’s thumbprint.

Punch A Clock with Only A Thumb or Fingerprint!

Another way that MinuteHound will save you money is by cutting your costs to process time records and reducing the chance of errors. With the old system, each time your employees lined up to punch a clock one of your staff had to manually review each time card and enter the hours worked into the payroll system. In a large operation, you can imagine the amount of time spent each pay period collecting, reviewing and compiling time records for each worker. The large amount of manual review and data entry required for this task can result in math and reading errors and cause problems with your workers when their pay is inaccurate.

The MinuteHound Time Clock software system will give your business far greater benefits than traditional systems that let employees simply punch a clock. Try MinuteHound – you won’t be sorry that you did!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Punch A Clock!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!