
Save Time and Money With Our Hand Scanner Time Clock

Hand Scanner Time Clock: Make our Technology Work for You!

It is time to bring payroll to the twenty first century with using the latest technology of a hand scanner time clock. This will save time for the employee and bring peace of mind to the employer by identifying employees, and provide accurate reporting through an offsite database.

The fingerprint scanner does not save the fingerprint itself, but translates the image to a unique binary code that the computer can read and reproduce at each scan of the same fingerprint. The hand scanner time clock does not infringe on individual’s privacy since a recording of the actual fingerprint was not made.

Hand Scanner Time Clock Saves you Time, Money, and Space!

There is no need to issue time cards, key cards, or passwords that the employee could lose, misplace, forget or used by anyone else. The employee touches the sensor and looks for a light to come on and off. Our software will record the scan as coming or going. When the employee is no longer working, it is easy to lock out the employee from the hand scanner time clock. The employee will always be able to clock his or her time and get paid.

In addition to convenient payroll reports, email reminders can be sent to the employer when an employee is late or leaving early. Designated managers have instant access to live reporting 24/7 from any internet connection in the world. Designated managers also have the ability to make adjustments for sick days, call off’s or vacation time.

Hand Scanner Time Clock is Convenient

By using the USB extension cords, the hand scanner time clock can be located in a separate room from the computer. This means that the computer can be used for other applications while the hand scanner time clock program is running in the background saving both supervisory and accounting time.

For small and large companies alike, the hand scanner time clock has very low costs. The costs are based upon the number of locations and the number of employees, with benefits to both the employer and employee.

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound’s Hand Scanner Time Clock: Start Saving by Scanning Today!

We are confident in our business, be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!