
Easy Time Clock: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Forget the Gimmicks. Let’s Talk Facts

The average employee “steals” approximately 54 minutes per day, which equals to be about 4.5 hours per week. When you add that up, you as a business owner or manager are paying your employees to take vacation for nearly six workweeks every year. The greater seniority your employee has, the more obligated he or she feels as if they can “steal” time while on the clock.

I can go on and on about how your business is losing money, for chances are your business is being robbed everyday from your own employees. They might not be taking home the office supplies or coffee, however they are directly effecting your bottom-line. These are the facts. There are many products that offer some sort of “fix” to many problems that businesses face everyday. MinuteHound is not a quick fix nor a product with false promises. MinuteHound is your certified solution to your everyday problems and, most important, a permanent one.

Why Easy? What is Easy About Technology and Time Clocks?

Time Clocks have actually been around for many decades, and the philsophy behind Time Clocks are still accurate today. It all breaks down into social modification and human behavior. It is that same philosophy as if you know your on camera, you behave differently as if you were not. The biggest downfalls with Time Clocks, or even the so called updated Time Clocks where each employee is assigned a “unique” ID and Password, is they do not account for Time Theft!

Think about it, the entire reasoning to have your employees clock in is to force them to be on time, not leave early, set a standard for work hours and office behavior. If the technology is not there to enforce the system you are trying to establish, all of your hard work will have little effect.

You need a solution to save you money, time, and produce results. Better yet, you need an easy and simple solution to all of this. No training required, no learning curves. Just plug and play. MinuteHound Time Clock Software is your Easy Time Clock. We are your Easy Time Clock for our technology is simple, easy to use, easy to install, quick to learn, and saves you money everyday. EASY!

MinuteHound Easy Time Clock. Simple. Safe. Secure.

MinuteHound Easy Time Clock will never have you issue your employees any kind of user names or passwords that they can share to clock in and out for each other. You will never have to order spare parts, paper, or time cards. You not only save money, but free up all kinds of space! We use the most accurate and fastest clock-in process in the industry. In addition, with our reporting system you will spend virtually no time processing your payroll.

We provide 24/7 live phone and e-mail support. You call, we answer, EASY! We also have a blog that is updated every single day! We have tons of articles and videos to walk you through every single step. All that you and your employees need is a finger! Technology is that easy, just scan your finger to clock in and out. No more time theft. No more wasted money. Just honest employees doing the right thing, every day! O and by the way, MinuteHound is cloud-based so you can access it on the go, from anywhere in the world! It truly is your Easy Time Clock!

Make a Dramatic Impact on your Buisness Today!
No Contracts. Cancel at any time. Choose MinuteHound Easy Time Clock.
Save money today, expand your business tomorrow.

All of our clients who made the switch to MinuteHound are glad they did. We are confident in our business, be just as confident in yours. Call us, let’s talk.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!