
Stop Time Theft: Hold Employees Accountable for Their Actions

What Is Time Theft and How To Stop It

The average employee steals 54 minutes every shift! That is an insane amount of time when you add it all up! No one wants to pay for that. It is hard to run your own business so there is no reason to pay employee’s for time they didn’t actually work. Time theft can ruin a company, and at the very least decrease profit and increase spending. Every business deals with this in their own way, from hiring managers or putting in cameras, etc. However, how do they actually stop someone from stealing time? Friends cover for each other, employees will mark down and extra 10 minutes here and there, and very hard to stop the actual time theft before it occurs. MinuteHound has developed a system that stops time theft before it can happen, through biometric technology.

Can Time Theft Be Eliminated?

If you allow employees to record their own time, then time can be stolen. Having paper time sheets, pins/passwords that can be shared or even cards to be passed around; time will be stolen. If you make the employee first verify their fingerprint before recording their time, then time theft is dead! MinuteHound has the employee place their finger down on a scanner first before any time is recorded. This way the only possible way to be paid is to be physically present, at the right time in the correct place. There is no more guessing as to if someone showed up to work or not. The scanner does all the work and takes out all the guessing. MinuteHound ensures that all staff members stay honest, whether they want to be or not!

How To Implement MinuteHound

It is very simple, you buy the scanner and enroll your employees. Within minutes you can be setup with the most advanced technology on the market. From the very first day, you will see a major difference with your staff. Payroll expenses will also go down. MinuteHound provides crystal clear reporting for your company. You can login from anywhere and edit reports right there in the web browser. Download, print and export as well. Try MinuteHound today and start saving instantly!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Theft.

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