
Student Attendance Software- Guaranteed Time Tracking for Schools

Consider MinuteHound for your student attendance needs

If you’ve ever had to track your attendance by hand, you know how hard it can be. Errors in attendance tracking can make both parents and students angry. In turn, a teacher’s reputation can be affected. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. Thanks to MinuteHound, a new solution to track attendance is now available.

MinuteHound is a new type of student attendance software that tracks students in real time. Simply by scanning their thumbs using a biometric sensor, students can check in automatically. The student attendance software uses a centralized system. So, teachers and parents can check student attendance in real time. The data is then stored in a database, putting students’ attendance records in a safe location.

To set up MinuteHound, install the student attendance software onto any computer. Then, attach the MinuteHound scanning device using a USB cable. Using extension cables, the scanning device can be located far away from the client computer. You can register each student by having him or her scan their thumbs twice. MinuteHound’s patented fingerprint encryption system allows the student attendance software to encode the fingerprint into a string of numbers and letters. This code is then sent through a secure connection for recording on MinuteHound’s cloud servers. Because the data is stored on the cloud, it is secure and cannot be changed.

Biometrics and The Latest Technology Drive Student Attendance Software

MinuteHound has many advantages over traditional record-keeping techniques. Making traditional records involves hours and hours of administrative work. But MinuteHound makes attendance reports automatically. They show you which student was located where at what time. Using the system is as simple as scanning a thumbprint upon entering and leaving a classroom. So, it’s not prone to error, even if a student forgets to scan his or her thumbprint. In that case, any administrator could make additions to any record.

Because of MinuteHound’s automatic reports, you don’t have to spend hours transcribing records. You also won’t need to write student names over and over. Roll call is not necessary, either. So, you have more time to teach class. This also means you don’t need to worry about the errors that incorrectly recording attendance can cause. The student attendance software is the best on the market for tracking attendance in schools.

Best of all, the student attendance software can inform parents or teachers about attendance problems. They can also set up alerts using the student attendance software. Once this is complete, administrators will be notified whenever there is a problem with attendance. This means parents can also be informed.

The MinuteHound student attendance software is the best way to track students. The software is simple and can save schools money. If you’re sick of the hassle of tracking attendance, switch to MinuteHound today.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Student Attendance Software.

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