
The Biometric Time Clock That Never Stops Ticking!

Why Is A Biometric Time Clock So Important

Time and attendance is vital to every and all operations. Whether you have 3 employees or 3 dozen, being able to accurately record their time is essential. For starters, you have to pay them. No one works for free. Also, you have to stay in business and complying with local, state, and federal laws are a great way to do that! That is why a biometric time clock is so important. It not only records time and attendance, but it does so with precision in order to comply with all apical laws. In addition it will 100% eliminate all fraud and time theft. Friends at work can be friends, but they can no longer cover for each other. The biometric time clock makes each and every employee verify their attendance first before actually recording time to get paid.

Not enough? The biometric time clock will also provide detailed reports in order to submit payroll. What used to be a painstaking time consuming process is now finished before it began. When using a biometric time clock time is recorded and immediately transferred to the cloud in order to provide real-time up to the minute information. Employers and managers can login in at anytime, from any device, and check their employees. They will know instantly when they got to work, in which department, and if they are at lunch or still on the clock. MinuteHound’s biometric time clock makes life easy!

Is The Biometric Time Clock Hard To Setup?

No not at all! The best part of a biometric time clock is how easy the setup is. You simply plug it in and download the software. After that you are ready to go! Very simple and straightforward. Your employees will be enrolled and then from that point moving forward they will simply press their finger to the biometric time clock, and off to work they go. There is nothing to lose except time and money! Try it today for free!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Time Clock.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!