
The Solution to Buddy Punching: Stop Payroll Fraud and Employee Time Theft with Biometrics

The Solution to Buddy Punching: Stop Payroll Fraud and Employee Time Theft with Biometrics

Managing employees and ensuring accurate time and attendance records can be a challenging task for any business, regardless of size or industry. One common issue that plagues businesses is buddy punching, where one employee clocks in for another, leading to payroll fraud and employee time theft. Fortunately, this problem can be easily solved with the use of biometrics. In this article, we will explore how biometrics can stop buddy punching and provide a stress-free and accurate payroll system.

What is Buddy Punching?

Buddy punching is a form of payroll fraud and employee time theft that occurs when one employee clocks in for another. This can lead to inaccurate payroll records and lost revenue for the business. Traditional time and attendance methods, such as time cards and pin codes, are vulnerable to buddy punching. In order to combat this issue, businesses need a more secure and accurate solution.

The Solution: Biometrics

The solution to buddy punching is biometrics, which uses unique biological characteristics, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, to identify individuals. Biometrics cannot be shared or passed between employees, making it a secure and accurate method of time and attendance tracking. MinuteHound is a biometric leader in the industry, with over 150,000 daily users. Their system is easy to install and requires no training, making it a stress-free solution for businesses.

Benefits of Biometrics

The benefits of biometrics extend beyond the elimination of buddy punching. Biometrics is a paperless solution, reducing paper waste and increasing savings for businesses. MinuteHound’s platform is accessible from any device with internet connectivity, allowing employees to view their time cards from home or through their smartphone. The system is customizable, giving businesses the ability to adjust criteria or staffing based on current needs. With biometrics, businesses can achieve accurate and stress-free payroll processing.

Cost-Effective Solution

Many businesses may be hesitant to adopt biometrics due to cost concerns. However, MinuteHound’s platform is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. The cost is based on staffing and branch levels, with a cost of $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. This flexible pricing model allows businesses to benefit from biometrics, regardless of their size or budget. The potential savings from biometrics can be up to 8% in payroll expenses.

Complete Accountability

Biometrics provides complete accountability for employees, eliminating the possibility of buddy punching and other forms of time and attendance fraud. Employees are responsible for their actions, and businesses can achieve accurate and stress-free payroll processing. The system is customizable, giving businesses the ability to adjust criteria or staffing based on current needs. MinuteHound’s platform is accessible from any device with internet connectivity, allowing employees to view their time cards from home or through their smartphone.


In conclusion, buddy punching and other forms of time and attendance fraud can be easily solved with biometrics. MinuteHound’s platform is a cost-effective, stress-free, and accurate solution for businesses of all sizes. The benefits of biometrics extend beyond the elimination of buddy punching, providing businesses with a paperless solution, customizable options, and potential savings in payroll expenses. The system is easy to install and requires no training, making it a stress-free solution for businesses. If you’re interested in upgrading your time and attendance system, contact MinuteHound today and start enjoying the benefits of biometrics.