
Time And Attendance Companies: MinuteHound Review Of Services, Costs

Biometrics from Time and Attendance Companies

Reducing time theft from the workplace is one of the major benefits of new software from time and attendance companies. MinuteHound is the leader among time and attendance companies making use of the latest technology. When employees arrive at work, they swipe their finger on the pad, and the data is sent safely to cloud storage. Since the system uses biometrics to ensure staff is at work, MinuteHound saves their clients as much as 5 percent on their payroll. Most time and attendance companies don’t even come close to that number. With this system, there is no way that employees can punch in for each other. This eliminates buddy-punching and other forms of abuse.

In addition to saving on payroll, businesses can improve their production and closely watch workers. Since the system is cloud-based, management can log in from any location and see who is at work. Time and attendance companies vary in how information is stored. Some save on the machine, some save to a file. With MinuteHound, your data is protected from fire, water, smoke and theft. By placing your files in the cloud, no harm can ever come to them. Other time and attendance companies might back up files, however the original data on your personal PC could always be at risk. Take away that risk with MinuteHound.

The Differences Among Time And Attendance Companies

Several benefits are had from biometric software. While the system saves money on payroll expenses and reduces overtime, it also ensures management knows the status of workers at all times. MinuteHound has the ability to send a text message or email. The messages notify managers when a person is late or does not show up to work. For a range of uses, the system is easy to install. Other time and attendance companies do not have this feature. For some managers, these alerts are perfect at a central shop who have branch offices. Each branch is easily tied into the system, and the managers can also get a report that shows the details of employee’s hours.

No specialization is required, since MinuteHound is engineered as a plug and play network. Other time and attendance companies have complicated manuals. MinuteHound is quick, fast, and easy to install. If you ever need help, support is a phone call away. The biggest difference between time and attendance companies is that of price. Not only price, but the product itself. MinuteHound is a solution, while other time and attendance companies offer big bulk machines. These machines typically wear down and need replacing sooner than later. Not only that, but is it a solution, or a temporary fix? Time and attendance companies that make your life easier, like MinuteHound, provide a world of benefits to the user.

Other Time And Attendance Companies Don’t Even Come Close

MinuteHound has very open and honest price plans. You pay $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. What other time and attendance companies offer that? Not many that is for sure. Most time and attendance companies offer little for alot, while MinuteHound is the opposite. MinuteHound is a pay as you go subscription. There is no long term commitments. No fine print or hidden costs. There is no training or downtime required. Time and attendance companies vary in services and products, however never invest in old outdated technology. Let MinuteHound provide you detailed reports and keep attendance perfect. No more guessing games or headaches when it’s time for payroll. Upgrade today and save!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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