
Time and Attendance Systems- Biometric Employee Tracking For Buisness

Time and Attendance Systems- Automatic Report Generation

Time and attendance systems have become more valuable as companies grow and hire more people. These systems can accurately record large numbers of clock ins and clock outs. MinuteHound time and attendance systems will reduce lost and/or stolen time for all employees. It also provides the employer with accurate time worked information. Time accuracy gives the company the needed data to evaluate productivity-cost analysis. A company can take the information generated by time and attendance systems to determine production compared to pay and time worked.

By using biometric finger printing technology, each employee is provided accurate and secure time keeping. Finger printing eliminates the hassle of punching a time clock. The time and attendance systems software is simple to use. It also has the ability to eliminate time cards and outdated record keeping. This costs the client only a few cents per day.

Time and Attendance Systems Advantages and Features

MinuteHound time and attendance systems utilize software that is cloud based. Up-to-date time records can be accessed from any internet connection. Each employee can check hours worked and other important time related questions. From the comfort of home or anywhere the internet is accessible, employees can keep track of their own time. Also, a supervisor can monitor the activities of his employees quickly and easily. The necessary information can be found without going to a file room or calling on the human resources personnel. This allows management to quickly discern and resolve any discrepancies or disputes about time worked.

These time and attendance systems run on software that is capable of sending e-mails and text messages to a supervisor or manager when there is a time discrepancy. When an employee arrives late or leaves early, the right person will be made aware within seconds of the incident. This information is a valuable tool to a company that bases their daily work schedule on the number of workers present. Mass production requires high attendance rates. When a supervisor is made aware that a production line is extremely shorthanded, a quick readjustment can be made to the production goals for the day. Employees that are present can be moved to fill a production line that is missing employees. In addition, all employees’ time-worked data is transferred on the web using 128-bit encryption which insures the privacy of each person.

Easy To Use Time and Attendance Systems- MinuteHound

MinuteHound’s time and attendance systems, which is just one system combining the latest technology, are simple and require little or no training. Also of note, the system is easy for each employee to learn. The software is plug and play, so the need for special installation instructions, training, or long setup explanations is not needed. Different time and attendance systems exist, but outdated technology does nobody any good. Now, MinuteHound offers both biometric technology and cloud computing for a very low price to save business owners time and money. Try it out today risk free!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time and Attendance Systems.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!