
Biomtric Time Clock Punch- Employee Time Clock and Business Software

Eliminate the Costly Time Clock Punch with MinuteHound

Have you ever thought about how much a single time clock punch might be costing your company? The time clock has been the tried and true method of tracking employee hours since the industrial revolution. However, the time clock punch has also been causing problems since the industrial revolution. Some of those problems are buddy punching and payroll difficulties. Luckily, MinuteHound offers a cost-effective solution to the time clock punch problem.

MinuteHound vs. The Time Clock Punch
What is MinuteHound? With an effective combination of software and hardware, MinuteHound allows you to revolutionize how you keep track of your employees. Employees use MinuteHound to punch in and out by swiping their fingers on a small device. That device is connected to your business’ computers. The device tracks the workers and the time they clocked in and out. Because the device uses biometric fingerprint data to gain information, your employees can’t get someone to punch in or out for them. This greatly reduces fraud.

The time clock punch makes it difficult to identify who is on the clock. MinuteHound, on the other hand, comes equipped with an impressive back office. There, you can get real time access to who is currently on the clock from any internet connection anywhere in the world. This allows you to evaluate employee honesty when employees will least suspect it. Unlike the time clock punch, this technology also allows you to make fast decisions about staffing.

MinuteHound and Supervisor Communication
The time clock punch gave you information about an employee’s tardiness, absence, or tendency to leave at a later date. However, MinuteHound provides up-to-date, real-time information. The software even sends you an e-mail or text message if an employee is late or leaves early. This means that you can determine all of the details about the situation immediately instead of waiting. Waiting often gives employees time to concoct excuses or change key facts. Thanks to the advanced technology of MinuteHound, you can step in and resolve the situation immediately. This will also result in money saved.

MinuteHound and Payroll
The time clock punch makes payroll a costly and confusing nightmare. You must pay for the time it takes your human resources associates to sort through and enter all of the data from time cards. You must also pay for costly mistakes. MinuteHound is automated. It automatically stores data, so payroll is much simpler. Also, it’s much harder to make mistakes with automated data.

MinuteHound costs just a few cents per day, but it will end up saving you a great deal of money. MinuteHound also helps you run your business better. Perhaps it’s time to update the way you keep track of employees with a solution from the technological rather than the industrial revolution.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Punch.

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