
Time Clock Reviews 2014 – A Must Read

Why do you need to read Time Clock Reviews 2014

MinuteHound has long been known to the time clock community as a reputable and revolutionary way to track employee attendance. Employees can no longer clock in or out their co-workers to make it seem like the employee worked longer hours. This sort of time theft is eliminated using the system provided by MinuteHound. Teams of business researchers can view the latest data from the time clock reviews 2014 results. Time clock reviews 2014 have shown that the best way to manage employee time is by using an automated system that verifies the employee clocking in or out is actually present. So, how is this accomplished and what are some of the criteria you need to check for when choosing a system from the time clock reviews 2014 results?

Time Clock Reviews 2014: Better Reliability

MinuteHound checked time clock reviews 2014 results and found that the most important criteria in a new time clock system is the ability to accurately track employee information. There is no better way to clock employees in and out than using a finger print identification system. Even if your company could spare the money to have someone manually clock each employee in and out, systems that allow manual entry still leave room for time theft and employee abuse. RFID card readers don’t do the job, because an employee can always give their card to a coworker to clock them in or out at a specified time. A finger print reader prevents this kind of abuse since no two fingerprints are identical.

Time Clock Reviews 2014: Less Inventory

As companies have to find more ways to reduce costs and increase profits, the option to install a system that requires the use of outdated RFID chips and time systems that require a business to keep inventory on hand is simply not practical nor feasible. Besides the abuse that comes from the ability to duplicate a time card, these systems often have high maintenance, upgrade, and operation costs. Mobile companies need a system that can be installed anywhere and work everywhere. With a finger print system, there is no inventory and companies can use the reader for more than one company, department, and track attendance at company functions.

Time Clock Reviews 2014: Increased Security Needs

Keeping your employee time clock data on the company computer doesn’t provide the best security. Companies need a system that allows the manager to access records from anywhere. During an audit with several offices, it’s not always practical to get the time reports from every office. Save administration time and increase the security of data by using a time clock system that securely stores data in the cloud. Employers can also get instant text and email notifications to let them know when an employee fails to log their time correctly.

Draw your own conclusion, act now!

The results from time clock reviews 2014 show what we already knew. More companies are moving to the type of time clock system offered by MinuteHound.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Reviews 2014

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