
Time Clock Reviews: Review Any Employee, From Any Place, Any Time!

Time Clock Reviews: Instant Access to Your Employees Performance

MinuteHound uses advanced fingerprint technology to compile accurate time clock reviews of your employees. Each employee has their own unique fingerprint, and MinuteHound uses that to make sure no employee can clock in and out for one another.

Using cloud based services, your employee time records are stored safely. With this technology, retrieving time clock reviews are instantaneous. Each record can be accessed from anywhere in the world via an internet connection. There is no other system that will allow you to have accurate time clock reviews ready at any moment that you need them. MinuteHound’s advanced features make it possible to review any of your employee’s at any time from any place!

Your Time Clock Reviews Are Available 24/7

When balancing payroll records, having time clock reviews are essential for accurate balances. The records will be able to resolve any disputes with attendance issues. Not only will the time clock reviews prevent any time issues, but they will also be able to be used in employee reviews.

MinuteHound’s software is easy to install and use. The system is plug and play on any operating system. Once the program is installed, you can connect the biometric scanner hardware and the system is ready to go. There is no training involved, and no learning curve. Designated managers will be able to access live reports 24/7 and retrieve time clock reviews. Adding employees to the database is very simple.

Time Clock Reviews: Your Peace of Mind

When MinuteHound’s software and scanner are in place at your company, you can be assured of the accuracy of your records for each registered employee. There will not be any worries about whether an employee actually was at work. You will be able to tell when they arrived and when they left, and in which department!

MinuteHound time clock software provides safe and dependable records which are always kept up to date because MinuteHound is built upon cloud technology. When an employee does have a discrepancy in their set times; they arrive late or leave early, the system will automatically send you an alert by email and/or text message. MinuteHound support is available 24/7! Any questions that you have can be answered at any time, day or night. No other time clock system can provide you with the same peace of mind.

Time Clock Review: Click here to Shop and Compare!
Time Clock Review: Click here to read testimonials from satisfied clients!

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Reviews: Live Reporting. Save Time and Money. The Reviews are in, Make the Switch Today!

We are confident in our business, be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!