
Time Clock Software and Salaried Employees

Salaried Employees-Bridging the Efficiency Gap

Why should salaried employees also use time clock software? In many companies a promotion from hourly wage earner to salary is a big status upgrade.
This MinuteHound Time Clock Blog Post will answer this question about time clock software. Along with the increase in take-home-pay, salaried employees are usually brought into the fold of upper management and are asked to internalize a sense of ownership. Unfortunately, too often these people end up latching onto the perks of “ownership” while forgetting what it takes to truly earn this status.

A business owner has a stake in her business’s success. After all, it is the company’s profitability that determines the owner’s take-home-pay, when profits are low, it is the owner who starves. For assuming this risk the owner receives certain perks, one major perk being freedom to set her own hours.

Salaried employees are usually afforded the same level of freedom in setting their own hours and schedule as are owners. However, all too often the salaried employee ends up abusing this freedom because they do not necessarily possess the mindset of the owner. This is due to the fact that unlike the owner, the salaried employee does not feel the pinch when profits are down.

While salaried employees must be made to feel that they are an important member of the team, it is the owner’s responsibility to remind the salaried employee that they are being paid for their contributions to the company. One simple way to do this is to track your salaried employees’ hours with a biometric time and attendance system such as MinuteHound. The MinuteHound Time Clock is paired with excellent Time Clock Software. This web-based time clock software allows the owner to view who is on the clock from anywhere in the world.

With MinuteHound, the next time you’re in vacation in Hawaii you’ll be able to login and see exactly what time your employees clocked in. After all, you’re the boss and you’ve earned it.
Visit us online at http://www.minutehound.com/ to check out the free trial offer.