
Time Tracking Software Mac Users Prefer For Their Business

Time Tracking Software Mac Users Will Love!

For any growing business to thrive and enjoy success there must be efficient and reliable monitoring of all work going on within the company. That includes effective time logging, analysis and management. With an effective time tracking solution a business can make sure all attendance and work time is recorded. This allows for better allocation of employees and resources. In addition saving money normally paid out to misreported time cards or scheduling problems. For the most effective time tracking software Mac users can now take advantage of MinuteHound’s powerful software to track and analyze all logged time data.

MinuteHound is a computerized time clock system that uses high-tech fingerprint scanning and computer networking to log and store any employees work time information. Most time tracking software Mac versions require the use of extra computers, cables and software on various machines. But this time tracking software Mac computers don’t need to be dedicated to MinuteHound and the only extra machine needed is a special fingerprint scanner. Any employee can be registered into the MinuteHound system and once that is completed they simply clock in and out by scanning their fingerprint.

Time Tracking Software Mac Edition Is Leading The Industry

When looking at where to install the time tracking software Mac computers can be placed just about anywhere. That’s because the MinuteHound program runs in the background. As employees clock in or out their information is processed quickly and without slowing down the computer. That way it can be used on an office machine, front-desk computer, back room or anything else within reach of the fingerprint scanner. And time tracking software Mac versions allow the data stored to be viewed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Time tracking software Mac edition allows owners and designated managers access to live reporting 24/7. Now, managers out of town for meetings can easily keep track of all employee movement. Time tracking software Mac edition also allows for notifications. If your employee clocks in late or leaves early, you will receive an e-mail and/or a text message. MinuteHound is your personal HR assistant! Never leave your office again. All this makes MinuteHound the most ideal time tracking software Mac version around

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”Steve Jobs
That quote by Steve Jobs is a fundamental flaw most people in business don’t follow. Technology is a huge factor in life and in business, and those that take advantage of technology will succeed. MinuteHound’s time tracking software Mac edition is innovation. It is the best kept secret you just now heard of. American businesses report losses of $148 billion dollars a year in regards to time theft, employee abuse, human error, and payroll/time and attendance issues. Not only is there a need for this type of system, most businesses can’t operate without it.

Time theft and employee abuse plague every type of business. Regardless of size or service or product, employees find ways to cheat the system. The average employee steals 54 minutes every day. Although the employee thinks nothing of it, this adds up to some serious green for the employer. Now think if you have 10 employees, 100 employers or more. The lost money adds up so fast, and you realize very quickly how the billions of dollars are lost every year. The good news is time theft is the easiest problem to fix. Now for all you Mac users, MinuteHound’s time tracking software Mac edition is here to help!

Time Tracking Software Mac Edition Adds Up Savings

The only caveat to the time tracking software Mac edition is for the actual clocking in and out. This means that the fingerprint scanner that your employees use to physically place their finger on to clock in and out needs a Windows system. All the features of MinuteHound are functional on a Mac, accessible from anywhere via your Mac, iPhone, iPad, or any other device. The USB scanner is the size of a coffee mug, and this is used to create the most accurate time and attendance reports you have ever seen! However that scanner needs to run off of a Windows system. For most Mac users this is not a problem. For any of you that need help or guidance, that is not a problem at all!

MinuteHound’s time tracking software Mac edition includes round the clock customer service. You are never alone with MinuteHound. The system itself is so user friendly you will have the software up and running in most cases under ten minutes. No training required. No learning curve to overcome. The technology is advanced, but simple and easy to use. There are no contracts to sign. No fine print to worry about. MinuteHound’s time tracking software Mac edition is your dream come true business solution. Once you have implemented the system, you will notice a change within days. No more wasted time. No more wasted money. Make the switch today. You will be glad you did!

The Price of the MinuteHoud Time Clock
The Savings of the MinuteHound Time Clock

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Virtual Timeclock: Your True Everyday Solution For Your Business!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!