
Tracking Multiple Jobs Within a Shift | Fingerprint Time Clock

Job Tracking using the Fingerprint Time Clock

MinuteHound has been around for many years providing technology to companies large and small. One of the best features of MinuteHound is that it allows companies to track jobs with ease. For instance, say an employee works at a restaurant and begins the shift as a waiter, but ends up washing dishes or being the host. These jobs might have different pay rates and needs to be accurately recorded. Same with other jobs or projects where you need to know how many hours it takes to complete. With MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock, this is not only possible but easy. The employee walks up to the fingerprint time clock and presses their finger down. That’s it! Depending on the job it could require a number on the keyboard but nothing else to remember. This way your reports are broken down per job compared to a simple payroll report.

Job tracking makes life easy for any business that has the need to monitor and record different jobs within a shift. Even in a grocery store, security company, movie theater, etc employees tend to work various roles within their shift. With a fingerprint time clock they can record these jobs all with a swipe of a finger. No more trying to figure out what was worked the week before, as it will all be recorded. The fingerprint time clock is a great addition to any company not only to record time, but record the hours worked per job.

Jobbing Around with MinuteHound!

A fingerprint time clock by itself is a tool in which companies love just for eliminating time theft and fraud. Biometrics are the key to savings. And now the fingerprint time clock can account for jobs. So many companies have this need and now it can be done without much thinking. All times will be displayed within reports and you can sort/display in any order you prefer or need. Payroll becomes crystal clear, accurate and best of all easy. No more counting or trying to figure out time cards. Try the fingerprint time clock today!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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