
Web Based Timesheet | Online Employee Time Tracking | Software

How Does A Web Based Timesheet Help Your Business?

Technology changes at a very fast pace. As a business owner with a multitude of responsibilities, do you want to be in charge of keeping current with what’s new? MinuteHound’s web based timesheet software has been developed and designed with the business owner in mind. It is very easy to use, understand, and put in place. Whether your a business with 5 employees or 5,000 doesn’t matter. Every business large or small has staff to manage and paychecks to issue. By using modern technology for your internal management allows you to focus on your business, not counting hours. A web based timesheet is available to view/edit/modify/download at anytime. You can log-in from anywhere and check on staff. Technology is a good thing, so use it to power your business and save money!

A web based timesheet makes your office green. By using paperless technology in your office, you save even more money. If your employees ever want to know what their current time is, they can even log-in and view it for themselves. MinuteHound has 5 different levels of permissions for you to choose from. Your staff will now be able to keep track of their own time instead of you. By using a web based timesheet, you will have detailed time and attendance reports at your fingertips. Within a few clicks, you can download your reports to excel or PDF. You can even export them right into your payroll service if you wanted! A web based timesheet will make payroll stress and error free.

The Web Based Timesheet Is Always Accurate With Biometrics

So how are the numbers always accurate when viewing your web based timesheet? The answer is biometrics, which means instead of your employees using a pen, paper, or pin and password your staff will use their fingerprint. This way, all employees are held accountable for their actions. If they show up 15 minutes late, or try to sneak out early, you will always know. A web based timesheet shows you down to the minute of arrival and departure. This way, that 30 minute lunch break that your employee took won’t last 45, because it will show. Employees are forced to drop bad habits, and always do the right thing.

Friends can no longer cover, and times can no longer be changed. Biometrics ensure accuracy. Fingerprints cannot be shared. A web based timesheet is every manager’s best tool. What happens is after you setup an account with MinuteHound, the biometric fingerprint scanner is mailed to you. The scanner gets plugged in and installed to any PC. The time clock software is easy to setup, and takes less than 10 minutes. Employees are enrolled, and from now on they swipe their fingers. It is that easy to spark a change in your office. The web based timesheet can even be viewed from your tablet or iPad.

How Much Does It All Cost? Is Using A Web Based Timesheet Expensive?

MinuteHound fits any budget, and using a web based timesheet is very cost effective and efficient. The scanner itself is $99.95 for life. You pay once and never again. After that, it costs you $1.00 per employee and $5.00 per location. You only pay for what you need. This monthly price includes the web based timesheet, 24/7 access, lifetime updates, text and email alerts for your staff, and much more. There is no hidden costs to worry about. No long term obligations, as you can cancel at anytime. MinuteHound is so confident you will love the system, that if you don’t, you can return the scanner for a full refund of the $99.95. Again, that is for life. So in 2 months or 2 years if you ever cancel, you will get your money back on the scanner. The web based timesheet and MinuteHound will transform your business. Upgrade today and upgrade your business.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Web Based Timesheet: Use Technology To Your Advantage And Save Money!

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