
What Is A Fingerprint Time Clock? What Does it Do? Why Biometrics?

A Fingerprint Time Clock At Every Terminal

Having a fingerprint time clock as your form of time and attendance in the workplace is so important. Not only because of the technology, but because of all the features and accuracy it will bring. No more lost time. No more time theft. Adding up numbers and making manual calculations are over. MinuteHound will do all the math for you. Payroll can be done from any location with an internet as you can access reports at anytime. Make corrections from any web browser. A fingerprint time clock takes away the guessing game if someone showed up and when.

For any business with more than 1 location, a fingerprint time clock at every terminal is recommended. This way, employees will have no excuse to not record their time. Managers will have the ability to manage all locations from a single location, making their job much easier. No more going to each place collecting the times, but instead, it is available from a cloud database 24/7. A fingerprint time clock works with cloud computing power, meaning that every time an employee clocks-in or clocks-out, that time is recorded live. Instantly manager can verify who is on time, and at the right place.

How Does a Fingerprint Time Clock Work?

A fingerprint time clock is a small, light-weight device. It is about the size of a computer mouse. It is durable and has no fancy buttons or switches. All it does is scan fingerprints. That is how our readers have such high accuracy, its limited functionality makes it ultra-dynamic. The fingerprint time clock can literally solve time theft, increase efficiency, and manage multiple locations at ease. The system itself has a host of features that makes a managers dream come true.

When you create an account with MinuteHound, a fingerprint time clock is shipped to you. It will arrive in 2-3 business days. The installation process is super simple, once you get it all you have to do is plug it in. The software gets downloaded, employees are registered, and off to work they go. If someone shows up 10 minutes late or tries to leave early, it will show. The fingerprint time clock is the answer to most management questions. It keeps the bottom-line green while cutting out the waste. Pay employees what they work, not what they claim they work. You will find that honest employees love this system, while dishonest employees will constantly complain about it. The fingerprint time clock will change a work environment for the better. Try it today!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock.

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