
Who Should Use A Fingerprint Attendance System?

Business has entered a new era using fingerprint attendance system

It succeeds through better cost control. Employers have real concerns about employee theft and payroll errors. This might happen as a result of the use of regular time clocks. MinuteHound presents a new fingerprint attendance system. It has been designed to decrease payroll waste and losses. This fingerprint attendance system relies on the use of biometrics.

What is Biometric Fingerprint Technology?

Biometric fingerprint technology is a process of taking an image of a person’s fingerprint. The image is stored in a binary format. The employee begins the process by applying their fingerprint to a scanner. The print is quickly sent through data lines. The data is compared and the person’s identity confirmed. MinuteHound is superior to all other biometric solutions as it is not storing the fingerprint images anywhere, ever!

How Does MinuteHound Use This Technology?

MinuteHound’s fingerprint attendance system is controlled by a unique Time Clock patented software. Employee hours are recorded by scanning their finger. The employee simply clocks in/out through a MinuteHound scanner. The scanner is located at the work site. The employee’s print is immediately transmitted to remote servers. The transmission is made by 128-bit encrypted numbers. The encrypted numbers are compared to the binary data that is kept in cloud storage. Once the employee’s identity is verified, their time is logged. The whole process is done instantaneously.

Advantages of Using MinuteHound’s Software

Here are some advantages that come with using our fingerprint attendance system.

Companies need to improve the way they perform and how they protect their company’s assets. MinuteHound’s fingerprint attendance system was developed using modern patented technology. The software helps make tasks easier to perform. It offers more protection against fraud. It also protects the employee privacy.

Don’t be left behind

Biometrics are being used for security in many areas. The appeal is the accuracy it offers the user. Employee wages make up 25%-35% of the fixed costs for most companies. The ability to improve control over these costs should not be ignored. MinuteHound’s Time Clock solution is rapidly becoming an industry standard. There is no need to wait. MinuteHound’s fingerprint attendance system is now available for all businesses large and small.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Attendance System

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!