
Why The Daylight Savings Time-Change? Does It Affect Our Time Clock?

Why The Daylight Savings Time-Change? Does It Affect Our Time Clock?

The main purpose of the daylight savings time change is to more efficiently make use of daylight.
We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. During the winter months we put our clocks back to move an hour of daylight from the evening to the morning.

But the issue of daylight savings time is rife with controversy.
Some people prefer light in the morning and some prefer light at night.
Why not allow nature to do its own thing?

Consider the following anecdotes from http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/k.html

Draft Status, Vietnam War
A man, born just after 12:00 a.m. DST, circumvented the Vietnam War draft by using a daylight saving time loophole. When drafted, he argued that standard time, not DST, was the official time for recording births in his state of Delaware in the year of his birth. Thus, under official standard time he was actually born on the previous day–and that day had a much higher draft lottery number, allowing him to avoid the draft.

Bombing Thwarted
In September 1999, the West Bank was on Daylight Saving Time while Israel had just switched back to standard time. West Bank terrorists prepared time bombs and smuggled them to their Israeli counterparts, who misunderstood the time on the bombs. As the bombs were being planted, they exploded–one hour too early–killing three terrorists instead of the intended victims–two busloads of people.

Halloween Trick-or-Treaters
Through 2006, Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. ended a few days before Halloween (October 31). Children’s pedestrian deaths are four times higher on Halloween than on any other night of the year. A new law to extend DST to the first Sunday in November took effect in 2007, with the purpose of providing trick-or-treaters more light and therefore more safety from traffic accidents. For decades, candy manufacturers lobbied for a Daylight Saving Time extension to Halloween, as many of the young trick-or-treaters gathering candy are not allowed out after dark, and thus an added hour of light means a big holiday treat for the candy industry. Anecdotally, the 2007 switch may not have had much effect, as it appeared that children simply waited until dark to go trick-or-treating.

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