
Why Your Business Should Say Goodbye to Attendance Card Punching Machines

The Problems with Attendance Card Punching Machines and How to Overcome Them with Biometric Fingerprint Technology

Are you tired of dealing with the issues that come with traditional attendance card punching machines? The good news is that there’s a better way to track employee time that can save you money and prevent time theft. In this article, we’ll explore the problems with attendance card punching machines and introduce you to the benefits of biometric fingerprint technology, like MinuteHound, which can revolutionize your business’s time-tracking process.

The Drawbacks of Attendance Card Punching Machines

Attendance card punching machines may have been a reliable way to track employee time decades ago, but they are outdated and ineffective in today’s workplace. Here are some of the drawbacks of using an attendance card punching machine:

Time theft: Traditional attendance card punching machines can be manipulated, allowing employees to clock in for each other or clock in early/late.

Human error: It’s easy for employees to forget to clock in or out, leading to inaccurate time records.

Overtime issues: Attendance card punching machines can’t accurately track overtime or holiday, sick days, and vacations.

Installation and maintenance costs: Traditional attendance card punching machines require costly installation, maintenance, and supplies such as time cards and ink ribbons.

The Benefits of Biometric Fingerprint Technology

Biometric fingerprint technology is a reliable, efficient, and accurate way to track employee time. Here are some of the benefits of using biometric fingerprint technology, like MinuteHound:

Time accuracy: MinuteHound uses biometric fingerprint technology to track employee time, ensuring that each employee is present and accounted for.

Elimination of time theft: With biometric fingerprint technology, it’s impossible for employees to clock in for each other or engage in other forms of time theft.

Fast and efficient: Biometric fingerprint technology is faster and more efficient than traditional attendance card punching machines, allowing employees to quickly clock in and out without any hassle.

Easy to use: MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint technology is user-friendly and requires minimal training.

Cost-effective: Biometric fingerprint technology is affordable and eliminates the need for costly supplies, installation, and maintenance.

Why MinuteHound is the Solution

MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint technology is the ultimate solution to your time-tracking needs. Here’s why:

Live reports: MinuteHound provides live reports, allowing you to access real-time data on employee time records.

Guaranteed for life: MinuteHound is 100% guaranteed for life, with no hidden fees, cancellation fees, or charges for upgrades.

Support: MinuteHound provides 24/7 support and the best risk-free, no-contract service available.

Clutter-free: MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint technology requires only one piece of equipment that’s the size of a coffee mug, eliminating the need for bulky machines and time cards.

Environmentally-friendly: MinuteHound is paperless, saving you money and helping the environment.


Say goodbye to outdated attendance card punching machines and hello to biometric fingerprint technology, like MinuteHound. Not only is it faster, more efficient, and cost-effective, but it also eliminates time theft and human error. Make the switch today and revolutionize your business’s time-tracking process.