
Workforce Biometric Time Management Systems

Eliminating Time Theft by Using Biometric Time Management Systems

Each year, thousands of businesses are victimized by its employees. While the occasional pad of Post-it Notes or a few pens may not trigger alarms for your organization, the loss of payroll due to “Time Theft” should be cause for concern. Without the use of biometric time management systems, you could be writing checks for employees that surely don’t deserve the pay you’re providing. This is money that was not earned and is essentially stolen from the business en mass in many cases.

How Biometric Time Management Systems Prevent Time Theft
Consider the following scenario: Paul is running more than 30 minutes late and asks John to clock him in at 8:00 am, the beginning of Paul’s scheduled shift. John takes Paul’s time card and punches the clock at precisely eight. When Paul finally arrives at work at 8:45 am, few people realize that he has just stolen 45 minutes worth of time. If you pay Paul $20 per hour, he essentially stole $15 from the business.

The above scenario happens far more often than you may realize. Whether you use a punch clock or hand written sheets of paper, people are constantly squeezing five minutes here or 10 minutes there. Biometric time management systems keeps those employees from tapping the bank accounts of the company for time that was not justified. Small amounts of time can quickly add up and after the course of a year, you could have practically given thousands of dollars away to employees. Instead of utilizing biometric time management systems, you could be handing out enough money to provide a single employee’s annual salary.

Why are Biometric Time Management Systems Effective?
In order for the above scenario to take place while using biometric time management systems, John would have to remove one of Paul’s fingers in order to use on the scanning device. Since walking around with a severed digit is impractical for most people looking to score 10 to 20 minutes of free time, it makes Paul clock in on his own eliminating the 45 minutes lost in the above situation. Since everyone is unique when it comes to fingerprints, biometric time management systems are nearly flawless.

As MinuteHound is hosted on the Cloud, you can monitor employee time tracking from virtually anywhere. You can even receive SMS text messages when any of your flock has neglected to clock in during his or her required schedule. Biometric time management systems put the control of business payroll back into your hands by keeping everyone honest. Don’t allow time theft to continue within your establishment and take advantage of MinuteHound’s risk free, money back guarantee. The money you save in payroll could be budgeted to give the business that marketing edge for improvement.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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MinuteHound Biometric Time Management Systems.

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