
Fingerprint Time Clock | Time Clock Software | Staff

How The Fingerprint Time Clock Works

The fingerprint time clock from MinutHound is state of the art, safe to use, and best of all easy to setup. So what is it? The fingerprint time clock was designeddddd for business owners by business owners. For every size, the fingerprint time clock is the perfect tool to record employee time and attendance. For both small and large organizations, the fingerprint time clock helps reduce payroll costs, expenses, and the biggest benefit being accuracy. Employees can no longer steal time nor can they cover for each other. The fingerprint time clock is the best tool for each and every business.

The fingerprint time clock is small, about the size of a computer mouse. It has a USB extension cord on it making it easy to plug in and mount. It weighs close to nothing, so just some double-sided tape will work. Mount the fingerprint time clock near a door, break room, exit, at the front office, etc. The point being this device is not clunky nor heavy. It won’t collect dust and sit around and take up space. The fingerprint time clock was designed to be not only easy to use, but convenient and non-obtrusive.

The Fingerprint Time Clock Package- Hardware and Software

The fingerprint time clock is the hardware, and the time clock software comes with it. From any web browser, the time clock software is a simple download. Within minutes it can be installed and up and running. No technical knowledge is required and the technical support team at MinuteHound can even do the install for you if you prefer. The software runs in the background so the computer can be used as normal. No extra equipment is needed. Then, employees are registered. They place one finger or thumb on the scanner and match that print to their name, and that is it! No more pins to remember or time cads to punch. Just a simple scan is all it takes.

But also know that fingerprints are never stored. Instead of prints, the fingerprint time clock converts images into a binary string of numbers. This way, information is never at risk. Employers and employees never have to worry about their information getting in the wrong hands. Besides the security aspect of it, the fingerprint time clock makes payroll simple and complete with automatically completed forms. All managers need to do is log-in, check to make sure employees time logs are complete, and download! Easy and off to payroll the forms go. Get the fingerprint time clock today and start saving valuable time and money.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock.

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