
New and Improved Punch Clock App- Check and Track Employee Activity

Save Money on Payroll With MinuteHound’s PUnch Clock App

Many companies lose money with payroll discrepancies such as buddy time clocking, time theft, lost time cards, and other errors. MinuteHound provides a foolproof punch clock app system that will save any organization money, time and hassle. This system consists of a biometric time clock that is connected to a workplace computer. It works by detecting the fingerprints of an employee that uses it. Once the employee presses his or her finger onto the unit, the application records the information and enters it into the database using real time tracking.

The business administrator connects this system to the computer using a long USB cable. Such a cable can reach to any location up to 54 feet from the computer using extension cords. Therefore, employees can clock in and out in from any location with a fingerprint scanner. The employee does not have to view the computer to use the punch clock app.

The biometric system that is used by the punch clock app cuts down on time theft and errors. For example, one employee will not be able to clock in for another, because no two people have the same fingerprints. No one can make a recording error either, because the employee has to be present to place a finger on the device. A user’s company can have peace of mind knowing that the punch clock app is keeping real time records of each employee’s attendance.

How The Punch Clock App System Works

This system eliminates all possible avenues for error and keeps data neatly within the portal for prompt and accurate time keeping. Any company that uses the program will be pleased to find that not one cent of the company’s money will be lost to payroll errors.

The MinuteHound punch clock app has two parts to it. One part of the application is the actual application that will be present on the computer. The second part of the application is the web portal. Supervisors and administrators can use the web portal to monitor time keeping and make adjustments if such is necessary. This person can access the application from any location, which will make payroll more convenient and enjoyable.

Punch Clock App: No Obligations Required

The best part about the MinuteHound punch clock app is that a company can try it without feeling obligated. The fees for the program are minimal, and the user can end the subscription at any time. With this amazing biometric time clock system, companies can save thousands of dollars on the traditional time keeping errors and variables. MinuteHound is so sure that each business will love its punch clock app, that it provides low costs and the month-to-month option. The cost for each employee is $1. Both large corporations and small business can benefit from all this punch clock app has to offer. Interested parties can sign up today with no obligation.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Punch Clock App.

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