
Pure Results | 0 Excuses for Employee Attendance

Celebrating Employees Who Attend As They Are Supposed To

Making it to work and getting the job done are two important things which contribute to the overall success of a business. If people do not show up to do the jobs that they are supposed to, it is hard to keep things running correctly. Employee attendance is a must for any business large or small.

The best way to guarantee high employee attendance is to have a time clock which can track this. MinuteHound makes a high-tech time clock that can track employee attendance and see who is pulling their weight and who is really just slacking.

The MinuteHound system tracks employees by their fingerprints. Every time one wants to clock in or clock out they have to use their finger to do so. The system recognizes the unique fingerprint of each employee once they are put into the system. Therefore, only the individual employee can clock themselves in or out. There is no cheating on employee attendance if you are using the MinuteHound system.

Simple, Perfect, and Controlled: Employee Attendance

The reason for paying attention to employee attendance is because you can reward those who are coming in when they are supposed to and on time regularly. Rewarding them can come in the form of giving them special notice in the office or perhaps even rewarding them with extra vacation days or even a pay raise.

It may seem strange to have to reward employee attendance, but it is a lot more cost effective to reward employee attendance than to have to constantly search for new employees. Just ask anyone who has operated a high turnover business. They know that bringing in new people is something which is highly costly.

Employee Attendance Made easy

Employee attendance reports can be retrieved via the MinuteHound system at any time. It stores all of this information in the cloud and therefore makes it possible to get it when it is needed. Some even examine their employee attendance reports live as the work day is carrying on. They do this because it is possible to adjust how many employees are at work at any given time quickly and easily by examining the MinuteHound reports. Perhaps there is a better way to allocate employees at a given time or on certain days.

It is truly amazing to see just how much of an impact the MinuteHound system can have on payroll costs and the general operations of a business. There are few who have this system who later on go on to regret it.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Employee Attendance.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!