
Time Attendance Machine Eliminates Payroll Inflation And Abuse

Time Attendance Machine Is The Future

Wall mounted time clocks and impossible to read time cards are a thing of the past. Along with most other things that we do in life, processing payroll has become simplified by modern day technology. Save your company time and money by allowing the MinuteHound time attendance machine to do the work for you. The time attendance machine can and will easily do the job of a bookkeeper as well as a payroll clerk. It is also green. 100% Paperless. No extra equipment to buy. No inventory to manage. The time attendance machine stores your records in the cloud. Access them with a click. No more file keeping. Technology is a wonderful thing!

Not only does MinuteHound’s time attendance machine save you money by cutting down on your human workforce, it is guaranteed to eliminate payroll fraud and inefficiencies commonly found in traditional time and attendance accounting procedures. Using a time attendance machine will always provide accurate calculations of hours worked. It will also generate reports for the pay period. Errors in pay and time spent making adjustments also becomes non-existent.

Time Attendance Machine: User Friendly Technology

MinuteHound’s time attendance machine is simple to set up and start using immediately. You won’t be frustrated with difficult to understand instructions because there aren’t any. The software is that simple to use and remote support is available from the start. No training required. No learning curve to master. The time and attendance machine from MinuteHound is designed to support small businesses as well as large corporate payroll processing jobs.

Employees will be required to use their own fingerprint as a means of identification when clocking in and out of their assigned work shift. The process takes approximately four seconds to complete. The print will then be transformed into an encrypted code and be identified in a payroll report as an employee number. All information is stored safely on remote servers. Have no worries about lost or stolen data should your system be compromised or suffer a crash. Using a time attendance machine makes processing even the largest of payrolls a simple and flawless task, each and every time.

The Only Time Attendance Machine With 24/7 Customer Support

In addition to all of the above features, MinuteHound has round the clock customer service and support. Although the time attendance machine requires no training, it may be new to you. If you ever need help in any capacity, just pick up a phone. The time attendance machine also includes lifetime updates. There is no extra charge. The monthly subscription, which is so low the system pays for itself, is all inclusive. There is no fine print. No worthless warranties. Just a solid product from a solid company.

Within days of installing the time attendance machine, you will notice a change in your workplace. There are no more time cards, sheets, badges, or ID and passwords that friends at work can share with each other. No more cheating. Employees are now kept honest. If an employee ever leaves early or arrives late, the time attendance machine has an alert system in place. Business owners and designated managers will receive text and e-mail messages notifying them of the situation at work. This works as not only as preventing time theft, but also creating documentation if you ever need it.

Most clients who switch from traditional time and attendance methods to the time attendance machine, see a return on their investment of 2300%. Fingerprint recognition is your surefire way to save. Over 150,000 daily users worldwide use the time attendance machine system from MinuteHound. Once you incorporate technology in your workplace, you will wonder how you survived without it. No more wasted time. No more wasted money. Accurate pay for accurate work. The time attendance machine is an upgrade over your current system. When you make the switch to MinuteHound, your upgrading your business. Call us today. It’s the easiest decision you will ever make!

The Price of the MinuteHoud Time Clock
The Savings of the MinuteHound Time Clock
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Attendance Machine: Cost Effective. No More Cheating. Identity Theft is Impossible. Savings Are Guaranteed!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!