
Perfect Time Attendance Every Time With Biometrics and Live Reporting

Time Attendance Is The Easiest, Safest, and Only Way To Go!

Running a large corporation can be a heavy workload on anyone. That includes watching over the large amount of employees and keeping track of their attendance. The time-clock can be troublesome if you are using an older method such as time cards. Employees can easily swipe in the co-workers when they are running late to work. This is allowing them to receive pay without performing the work that their job entitles.

Your supervisors may have job duties they could be performing at a faster rate if they didn’t have to keep track of the employees time-clock constantly. Are you ready to find another way to make everyone’s job easier? You don’t have to look any further. MinuteHound has the perfect time attendance method for you.

MinuteHound offers a bio-metric fingerprint technology that will report your employees time attendance for you. Employees will no longer be able to cheat the system. MinuteHound’s system only tracks the employee by their actual fingerprint. The employee will have to be present in order to clock-in or out each time. This system scans their fingerprint and converts it into an 128-bit encryption which is then transferred into a computer with an internet connection. The system will not store the fingerprint indefinitely to ensure the identity of your employees are safe.

There are up to three extension cables that can be used to hook up the fingerprint reader to a computer’s USB port within 54 feet. This fingerprint reader can be used on any type of computer that your business has. The reader has a cloud-based storage unit that will allow your company to access information needed from the reader online with any computer. This is a great way to keep track of every employee’s time attendance. In addition, it will store the employees sick and vacation time.

Perfect Time Attendance is Crucial To Every Business, Large or Small

Time attendance is an essential part of any business. When a business is able to foresee the time attendance for their employees, they will be able to save more money. Businesses that control their time attendance can actually save five percent more. Any type of savings is going to ensure the company will be able to grow more successfully.

If you are ready to keep better track of your employee’s time attendance, try MinuteHound’s fingerprint technology today risk-free. It is simple to use and doesn’t require any training to get started. Let our time attendance software help keep track of when your employees clock-in or out at the wrong times. You will receive an email or text message if you setup the alert system to watch out for early and late punches. There are no long-term commitments with our software. The system will only cost you pennies a day.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Attendance.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!