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Biometric Fingerprint Scanner: Real time time clock software to improve inefficiencies

With many business researching strategies to decrease inefficiencies, one area many overlook is their time clock software. Employers who rely on ineffective and dated employee time clocks to track attendance leave gaping holes for employees to take advantage of the system. Both small and large businesses would benefit from reducing time theft and buddy punching.

The biometric fingerprint scanner
Updating your time clock software is not complex. In fact, advances in technology allow even small business to take advantage of the accuracy fingerprint time clock system has to offer. The software allows employees to clock in and out with a biometric scan of their fingerprint. This eliminates employees using the buddy system to steal time. With time clock software that is more accurate, you can save money immediately after installing the system by reducing time you pay for in which no work is done.

Decrease payroll processing time
The APA estimates that human error is one to eight percent of total payroll within companies. With biometric time clock software, you can nearly eliminate human error. Since fingerprint scans will record the date and time each employee clocks in and out, errors made as a result of “correcting” time cards will be nonexistent.

Ease of use
Biometric time clock software may seem complex but, it is far from complicated. Installing the technology is a matter of plugging in the device, connecting it to your internet connection, and then registering each employee’s fingerprints. Once the fingerprints are in the time clock software, employees can begin scanning their fingerprints to clock in and out. With a 128-bit encryption, you do not have to worry about data loss. Your sensitive information is secure when transferred to the web. Personal information on your employee’s profile is secure and layered with protections.

Try the time card calculator to determine savings
Reading information about the benefits of software or technology can be a little overwhelming. Many people find it hard to relate the benefits to real life scenarios. Fortunately, you do not have to simply take our word for it. You can calculate savings by using your payroll figures in our time card calculator located here. Even small changes will result in savings for your business.

There are no risks involved with trying the time clock software. If you are not completely satisfied then you do not have to keep the system. For many, the ability to monitor employee punches, reduce time theft, eliminate the process of correcting time cards, and the complete removal of the ability to buddy punch makes this time clock software a winner.

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