
Time Recorder Machine Featuring Biometric Fingerprint Technology

The Time Recorder Machine And Why It Is Required

If you own a business, you know how detrimental a standard time clock is. What it takes to use is ridiculous: You have to tally all of the time cards, store them, catalog them, buy supplies, have maintenance, and on top of everything else, your employees might be dishonest and have their buddies clocking in and out for each other. There is so much that can go wrong! So, stop the madness! For just pennies a day you can get a time recorder machine that is a biometric fingerprint scanner. Your employees simply put their fingertip on the scanner pad. No time theft, no mistakes. Plus, you can view real time reporting from any computer, anytime.

The time recorder machine from MinuteHound is the latest in biometric fingerprint technology. It’s cloud-based so you don’t need to buy more memory or any fancy equipment, and data cannot be hacked. The fingerprint is never stored and is fully encrypted so identity theft is impossible. It’s Green, works with your current payroll program, and is plug and play right out of the box. It’s fully automated, no staff needed to run it or train anyone for it. In fact, the time recorder machine is so user friendly most users are up and running within ten minutes.

You get a full 100% money back guarantee with complete remote support. There is no risk. If you are not satisfied just return the scanner and get your money back. The time recorder machine literally pays for itself. The price points from MinuteHound are cost effective and common sense. This is the time recorder machine of the future, and it’s right here for you now.

The Time Recorder Machine That Goes Beyond What You Expect

There are multiple benefits to having this time recorder machine. There is no contract to sign, ever. You can go online and see where your employees are anytime, from any computer. Payroll is a breeze. The time recorder machine displays an Excel based wage calculation table. You only need to add the hourly rate being paid and then total it up. MinuteHound data can also be exported to allow import into accounting systems commonly used by large companies. You are in control, as you should be.

This time recorder machine was designed by business owners like yourself that were also paying for flaws in the traditional time recorder machines. They fixed them with this system. They also designed the money back guarantee for you as they would want for themselves, taking out all the stress of changing the way you run your business. The time recorder machine also has an alert system. If your employees show up late or leave early, you will receive an e-mail and/or a text message. This way your constantly in the loop. Whether in the next room or across the country, you never leave your office. The time recorder machine is your constant connection to your business.

The Time Recorder Machine Changes Your Workplace

Military bases and law enforcement facilities have biometric systems in place. Other businesses around the country are discovering MinteHound’s time recording machine and saving money and headaches. This is one bandwagon you want to jump on! This is the time recording machine worth getting excited about. Customer service is 24/7. Everything that can be done for you is already in place, all you have to do is make the switch.

The time recorder machine is your all inclusive tool to transform your business. Live reporting, alert system, round the clock customer service, and all of the above. Technology has changed the game. This innovative system is all you will need to start saving money and time. Within days of installing the time recorder at your workplace, you will notice a difference. Upgrade your business with a time recorder machine from MinuteHound.

The Price of the MinuteHoud Time Clock
The Savings of the MinuteHound Time Clock
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Recorder Machine: Put Biometric Technology To Work!

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!