
Used Time Clocks For Small Business: Your Surefire Way To Save!

Overview of MinuteHound’s Used Time Clocks For Small Business

Used time clocks for small business is not at all how it sounds! Let us first begin with a brief overview. MinuteHound is a company that has introduced an advanced biometric way for employees to clock in and out of work. This new system is guaranteed to stop time theft, improve efficiency in the workplace, and reduce payroll costs. The way by which this is done, is through a fingerprint scanner. Fingerprints are unique to every human being alive. There is no way fraud can happen in the workplace using MinuteHound software. This technology is saving hundreds of businesses time, money, and helping them focus on more important matters of their business.

If you are a small business that would love equipment such as this, but believe the cost is out of the question. Think Again! Used time clocks for small business is our way of saying our technology works! You will not be receiving a refurbished or used item. Our software has been in use for many years. At first, the technology behind MinuteHound was designed and used by the military. Now fingerprint recognition is a surefire way for companies to keep the most accurate time and attendance records to save money, time, and gain peace of mind. Used time clocks for small business do not require training. There is no learning to curve to master. The technology that drives Minutehound is advanced, however simple and easy to use.

Imagine The Possibilities with Used Time Clocks For Small Business

Imagine never having to add up hours on a time sheet again. Imagine never having an issue with your employee over time worked. Imagine being able to access live reports from anywhere in the world. OK Stop Dreaming! The reality is all of this is true with our tried and trusted used time clocks for small business. Your employees will physically have to be present to clock in and out on these used time clocks for small business.

Used time clocks for small business is risk free. There are no contracts to sign. We know your time is valuable. Don’t waste it on how long your employees work. Spend it bettering your company and living up to your mission statement. If you purchase used time clocks for small business you will not only better your company, but you will give it an opportunity to grow in a way that it never could before.

The Benefits of Used Time Clocks For Small Business

Let’s set the record straight: Used time clocks for small business are brand new! When you choose MinuteHound, your not buying a product, your paying for a solution. Our technology is used everyday, in many different locations and business models. Our fingerprint scanner is the size of a coffee mug, and is 100% Green. No paper. No inventory. No Mess! You simply plug in your scanner, download the software, and begin to save money, everyday. Our used time clocks for small business help small businesses grow in many areas. By using our time clocks to reduce payroll and use those savings in other ways to promote, grow, and develop their small business into a large business! We pride ourselves on your success, and we are with you every step of the way.

Click here to use our calculator and see the savings for yourself!

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Contracts. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Used Time Clocks For Small Business: Clocks in the Savings! Clocks out Fraud!

We are confident in our business, be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!